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 4 years a go I upload my first pic to deviantart.


After that, all i wanted to do was improve. To get better. Now i consider myself hardheaded. I don't give up easy. I tend to overwork myself when i have a goal. When i practice for boxing i tended to overtrain. So it has been the case with drawing too. I have worked to the point i  have nerve damage in my hand and wrist. I can't feel one of my fingers,  might need an operation to recover that since after treatments that is the only one that still had not woke up.

Even then I dont regret it, I have made the progress that i wish for. Get i still think I can do better, there is always a place for improvement. And i will continue to seek greater, to go further and beyond.

I  seriously think that anyone who puts all its effort into that that they  love the most can take it to next step, even if they suck at it just  like me, I sucked at drawing, I sucked so bad I honestly its what i thought most of my life, that i sucked at it, heck you have seen how i used to draw, that first picture of Tigress, i was really proud of, it was the best drawing i had ever done on my own. That gives you and idea of how bad all my previous drawing must have been.

Even then i  always wanted to get better. Because drawing is what I love, it just  hit casualty that I also had fun drawing wedgies. That was what got me  here. And in part you guys was what help me get fired up to do progress,  your constant support and comments help me got the the spirit I need to continue many times. Also, i  had this thing where i looked at pics of other guys, archangemon, auburn-ink, Rwedgie, and of course CriminalKiwi, and i always wanted to beat them, to surpass them, i saw them as rivals well some of them i still do... https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder851/500x/76915851/dinkleberg-criminalkiwi.jpg

Nah im  just kidding there, I have never actually talked to him but I find fun  in thinking we have a rivalry. He has always been of the best on my  mind.

Anyway, i just want to say thank you, to all of the people who have supported me these years, let it be here or in the patreon, im thankful for your constant support.

Oh right we also get a story from a friend here. I'll edit to upload the link when he puts it. 




A true achievement to raise a drink to, Four more years, four more years, four more years




Wow 500 in four years, that's about 1 per 3 days and that includes before Patreon support. Best of luck in the next four years.


Yeah well its more like the total of pics from dev, the patreon and private jobs that i have taken. I check my files and it goes a bit over 500, i was actually amazed, i thought it was going to be 200 or 300 as much.