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Chapter Two

Family Ties

Rise of Winter, Week 1, Day 2

“Guess what?”

All eyes were on Freddie, and she had a wicked grin on her face. 

“I don’t need to guess,” a woman with long pink hair said, her eyes softening as she met Freddie’s. 

Aster Nemo

“It’s your birthday, Fredericka.” Her smooth voice carried through the room and silenced the rest of Freddie’s family. “How do you feel, my little star?”

Freddie could have paused. She could have wondered if she was really meant to be here. She could have wondered if she should disclose everything. But, of course, she couldn’t say everything. But some things? The things that aren’t put behind [Hidden Heart]? Who else would she tell besides her family?

“I’m ready. I think I’ll have some good choices.” Freddie’s smile didn’t drop, didn’t falter. 

Next to her mother sat a man with blonde hair and familiar orange eyes. Bridian Nemo. The firstborn son of the Duke of Nemo. Freddie’s grandfather was at the head of the table, with a grey beard that reached his chest and a bald head. Like everyone else in the room, he was in one of the loose-fitting outfits of summer —it didn’t match the winter winds outside. 

He was the first to stand. When he clapped his hands, everyone looked at him—the Duke's action silenced all of Freddie’s aunts, uncles, and older cousins. 

“Very well, our star, let us move to my office. We’ll leave the ruffians behind, shall we?” He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he waved for Freddie and her parents to follow. 

“Good luck, Fred,” one of her female cousins said.

“You’ll do great, sweetheart,” her aunt cooed.

“Don’t pick anything lame, or I’ll send you off to work the farms,” her uncle said with a wink. 

Freddie laughed and waved, heading out of the room, saying quickly over her shoulder, “I’ll do it! I’ll pick something so bad you’ll have to send me to the farms!”

Maybe Freddie was taking too kindly to this world. Maybe she should mourn her alcoholic mother or her deadbeat father from her old world. Maybe she should mourn the loss of her undefeated title. But that didn’t change the fact that Freddie was happy to be here. She knew everyone’s faces, knew their history, knew how much she was loved here. Why would she want to go back?

No. All Freddie wanted was to build a new source of power. In her old world, she’d had the power of Inferno. The runes on her soul had given her resistance, and so she often fought with her fists on fire or even against fire elementals themselves. And if [Fire Step] and [Bright as a Flickering Flame] were indicators, she would have a similar ability here. 

Excitement filled her. 

What could she fight here? Old Freddie knew of monsters, knew of dungeons, knew of it all. New Freddie had the same thought as old Freddie: They’re mine to conquer now.

All she needed was a [Class] that would help her fight. 

But here, in Nemo, Freddie was the eldest daughter of the eldest son of the Duke of Nemo. She was third in line for the title of Duchess. Which meant her [Class] was anything but private. That hadn’t bothered Freddie of the before and, probably thanks to the mind meld, didn’t bother the new Freddie either. Although Kalina from elsewhere had been in the limelight, with every choice and power reported on, so she didn’t really mind either.

To say there were two people inside of Freddie wasn’t accurate. Freddie had been two people, and now she was one. Decidedly, she wouldn’t be treating this life like anything but her own. She was simply Freddie, with some extra memories to help her along.

Along the way to her grandfather’s office, the adults were talking to Freddie jovially.

“Happy birthday,” her grandfather said, “I hope you’re excited. The Boons this year are so interesting.”

Freddie nodded, “I can’t wait. Marasha hasn’t said anything in class about them, so they’ll be a surprise.”

Marasha was Freddie’s governess, the one who taught her arithmetic, history, etiquette, horse riding, and several other things that weren’t very interesting. Well, not to Freddie, who was often caught running off to lounge in the upper branches of a tree. Recently, Freddie hasn’t been able to escape because of the importance of the topic: the [System].

The [System] was, by and far, the most mysterious part of life on Gargantua. In elsewhere, there’d been nothing like it. The magic they had lived in soul runes, not in some game-like system that controlled the ability of their Skills. But Marasha had been clear in her teachings and so Freddie knew the [System] was a gift from the Divine. It was everything—thus Freddie had stuck around for the lessons Marasha usually had to track her down for. 

There were many facets of the [System], not the least of which is the Boons. After one Awakens at the age of eight, but before choosing a [Class], you must choose a Boon. To put it simply, every Solar year, there is a Patron Divine that offers a part of their power to every child that is un-Awakened in their year. There are two Lunar years to each Solar year, and the Lunar year is how children’s age is tracked by the [System]. Thus, on their eighth Lunar year, upon Awakening, children are offered a choice of four Boons —one from each Patron Divine who oversaw their youth. 

This year Freddie knew the Patron Divine was Qwail, the Goddess of Livestock and Familiars, but she was unsure of the other three patrons from previous years. Marasha had said it was a surprise. That her parents and grandfather would know and would help guide her. 

“A good surprise, too,” her mother, Aster, chimed in, “No matter which you pick, you’re bound to find a use.”

As the reached her grandfather’s office, a man in brilliant blue livery opened the door for them. The group nodded their heads as they passed in thanks. But once the door closed behind them, the adults grew serious. It was a fitting environment for the change, with the dark wood furnishings and the glowing runes on the doorframe.

“Fredericka,” her father, Bridian, started, leading them to the sitting area, “Despite all the joking, we need you to really think through what you want for the future. You’ll have this [Class] until you’re of age.”

As they sat, Aster nodded in agreement, “At least. We’ll do our best to help you Level whatever [Class] you get, but often it’s up to you. Much like everything to do with the [System], unless you want it, unless you go after it, the Skills, the experience, the power —it won’t come.”

“Even something as simple as the Boons could change how effective your [Class] works. If it’s synergistic, it’ll be unendingly helpful.” Her grandfather’s gravelly voice was just as serious as the other’s, so Freddie decidedly dropped the grin she’d had since leaving her room. 

Instead, she pressed her lips together and nodded seriously, “I know what I want.”

“Oh?” Her mother leaned in, “Do tell? Because I don’t believe you’ve ever mentioned it before.”

Freddie met her mother’s eyes, her orange meeting Aster’s blue. “I want something that will let me fight—hands-on.”

“So, you’re looking for a [Class] that can be evolved into some kind of Fighter.” Bridian hummed, “That’s not too difficult, but depending on your options, you may have to be meticulous about the Skills you learn. It may take until Tier 2 before you gain a true fighting [Class].”

“Well, I have to admit, I was expecting something more along the lines of, ‘I want something exciting!’ rather than that,” Aster huffed. 

“As a future heir, I can’t say I disapprove,” her grandfather grumbled, “But would it kill you to be more cute about it?”

And, like that, Freddie’s wicked smile was back, “Are we ready then?”

When the adults all nodded, a new notification appeared in Freddie’s vision, as if the System was listening in. The same red box as earlier. 

[System Notice: It is recommended the New User selects the Sun Gods’ Boon and a First Tier Class. Would you like to perform the selection of your Boon?]

“Yes, I’m ready.”

[Congratulations on your Awakening! As a celebration of your Awakening, please pick the God whose Boon you wish to select:]





Freddie's smile dropped, and she looked at her parents with wide eyes, “It doesn’t say what they’ll give me.”

“Do you know who they all are?” Her mother asked soothingly, “Think it through first, and then we’ll help.”

“Okay. Scylla is the Goddess of Prophecy and Gambling.” Freddie hummed, “So something related to that. Maybe a card [Skill] or a Luck increase.”

Her father nodded, “It’s a +2 to Luck this time.”

“Okay, okay. Next is Morloch. He’s Sacrifice and Self-Improvement. So either a flat attribute increase or a Skill related to growth?” Freddie asked hesitantly, putting everything Marasha had taught her into her guess.

“Correct, he gives a +3 to Magic.”

Freddie hummed, “Druigr is the God of the Second Sun… and Anger, I think? So maybe an increase an increase to Vitality?”

“Righteous Anger is his second domain, but he offers a Skill. It’s called [Sparkler]. It basically summons a miniature of Dreya.” Her grandfather said helpfully. 

Dreya was the Second Sun of Gargantua, and Freddie immediately perked up at hearing about the Skill. 

“Qwail is Livestock and Familiars, so maybe a binding Skill for a small creature?” Freddie thought out loud, “Or a general animal handling Skill?”

“Actually, yes. It’s a minor Familiar Skill. It’s called [A Helping Hand]. It summons a creature—” Bridian stopped explaining at the look on Freddie’s face, and huffed a laugh, amusement filling his tone, “All right, all right, not the one for you.”

“I know which one I want,” Freddie nodded, filling her voice with intent, “Druigr.”

[Congratulations! You have selected Druigr’s Boon! You have gained the Boon [Druigr’s Blessing]! You have received the 0th Tier Skill [Sparkler]!]

Immediately, Freddie held up her palm and spoke. 


Inside her, a power welled, and a small chill formed in her palms. Slowly, a ball of sparks formed inside her open palm, and then all at once, it expanded to be about two inches wide. It was a golden ball of light, giving off multi-colored sparks. It was very much like the Dreya, the Second Sun. 

“It’s beautiful,” Freddie whispered. Around her, her parents smiled and her grandfather nodded his approval. 

It was only a few more seconds before an ache formed in her head, and the Skill broke. The sparks dissipated into nothingness, and Freddie wobbled, supporting herself with the edge of the couch that the adults were lounging on. 

“Woah,” she said dizzyingly, putting a hand to her head.

“Fredericka,” her mother cooed, getting up and wrapping Freddie in an embrace, brushing her hair away from her face, “How is your Magic stat? Did you run out of mana already?”

“It’s 2,” Freddie said as she leaned into her mother’s touch.

“Oh dear, we’ll have to see what Class options you’re given. That’ll never do.”

“It’s good. I’m good.” She said, but it was another minute before the woozy feeling passed through Freddie, and she stood up and away from her mother.

“Don’t push yourself,” her grandfather commanded, “It’ll do no good to select a Class without your wits about you. Take a few more minutes. Then, we’ll continue.”

And they did, it wasn’t until Freddie’s knee was bouncing that she stood up and said.

“That’s enough waiting, I’m ready.” 

She’d interrupted a casual remark from Bridian and he sent her an amused look before nodding. 

“Very well, Freddie, pull up the selections.”

Again, a system notification appeared in all its glorious red. As if it was listening in. Freddie didn’t care, though. She was just happy she didn’t have to wait any longer. 

[System Notice: It is recommended the New User selects a First Tier Class. Would you like to perform the selection of your Class? Once started this process cannot be interrupted.]

“Yes.” Freddie commanded the prompt. And then she was bombarded with a serious of notifications. 

[System Notice: Now beginning Class Selection! Analyzing current experience and affinities! NOTE: A maximum of eight First Tier Classes will be processed for your selection based on these attributes.]

[Congratulations! You have spent 8 years as a citizen of Maeve! New Classes unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You were born a Noble in Maeve! New Classes unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You have an elemental affinity! New Classes unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You have two souls! New Classes unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You have special skills! New Classes unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You have been blessed by a Goddess! New Classes unlocked!]

[Please acknowledge completion of Analysis!]

“Acknowledged,” Freddie said, scanning the achievements the System chose to log. 

[Citizen of Maeve (common)]

[You are a beloved citizen of Maeve! As such, the Queen of Maeve has placed you under her protection. As a citizen of Maeve, you are free to explore all paths to the future. May your life be blessed and your fortune found. Unlocked by being born in Maeve. Unlocked by living in Maeve. Unlocked by having parents who are citizens of Maeve. This provides you with +1 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Vitality, +1 to Perception, and +1 to Magic.]

[Brawler (common)]

[You are a fighter, figuratively and literally. As such a person, you can cultivate that into a free-for-all hand-to-hand fighter. As a Brawler, you specialize in impromptu weaponry and fist fights. Unlocked by Awakening. Unlocked by engaging in 5 physical fights. Unlocked by engaging in 5 verbal fights. Unlocked by knocking out an opponent. Unlocked by hitting an enemy with an impromptu weapon. Unlocked by posessing the Skill Quick Fight. This provides you with +2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Vitality, per level.]

[Acolyte of Compassion (uncommon)]

[You have been touched by a Goddess. By accepting the truth of the Goddess Frill, Lady of Compassion, you will be granted the title of Acolyte. Through your worship and devotion, Frill will speak to you and allow you to enact her will onto the world. Unlocked by being god touched. Unlocked by receiving a skill from Frill, Lady of Compassion. Unlocked by practicing religion. This provides you with +2 to Vitality, +2 to Perception, +4 to Magic, and +4 to Divinity, per level.]

[Martial Lady (uncommon)]

[You are a child who has prospered in the world of fighting. For a child, you have more than a lifetime’s worth of skills related to martial arts. You seek to master these skills, without regard for if it should be practiced at all. Unlocked by knowing multiple martial arts. Unlocked by being born a noble. Unlocked by willingly fighting to the death. Unlocked by possessing restricted knowledge. This provides you with +1 to Magic, +1 to Endurance, +2 to Perception, +2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, and +4 to Vitality, per level.]

[Young Lady of Flame (rare)]

[You are a being of flame and fury. Your very soul agrees with that. Through your craft, you have found strength in the glory of Fire. A Young Lady of Flame is both controlled and uncontrollable, just as the fire she represents. She is the protector of her lands and the front line of any defense. A Young Lady of Flame has the potential to burn down high society and rebuild it in her image. Unlocked by being a citizen of Maeve. Unlocked by being a Noble. Unlocked by having an inherent affinity to Flame. Unlocked by having the Quick Fight Skill. This provides you with +2 to Endurance, +2 to Perception, +4 to Dexterity, +4 to Magic, +4 to Strength, and +8 to Vitality, per level. ]

[Young Lady of Dichotomy (rare)]

[You are a being of multitudes. Going beyond the common expression ‘two-faced’, you possess two personalities. A Lady of Dichotomy is able to put her best face forward at all times, and is able to pull the appropriate personality forward without any trouble. Such a Lady is able to maintain her two personas independently of each other. Unlocked by remembering your past life. Unlocked by having an alter ego. Unlocked by having successfully completed a mind meld. Unlocked by being a noble. This provides you with +2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Endurance, +2 to Luck, +4 to Vitality, +6 to Perception, and +6 to Magic, per level.]

[Devourer of the Forbidden Fruit (epic)]

[Within this world, the will of the Gods is law. Despite this, you have obtained knowledge forbidden in this world. Researching such things draws the eyes of many -both divine and otherwise. Those who obtain forbidden knowledge have two paths available to them, either continue to collect knowledge that cannot be shared or to defy the will of the Gods. A Devourer of the Forbidden Fruit must prepare themselves to fight the Gods above and below. Unlocked by possessing forbidden knowledge. Unlocked by being not of this world. Unlocked by possessing the Hidden Heart skill. Unlocked by being noticed by the Gods. This provides you with -6 Divinity, +4 Magic, +6 Perception, +6 Luck, +6 Endurance, +8 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +8 Vitality, and +8 Unallocated Stats, per level.]

[Acolyte of the Flame of Compassion (legendary)]

[The Goddess Frill has shown her interest in you. Frill desires you to use your power to better the land in which you’ve found yourself, to show your own compassion to the realm. With your affinity to fire, you have great potential in the healing arts and are more than able to follow in the Goddess’ footsteps. You, who possess Skills to protect and heal, represent two sides of a coin. Frill wishes for you to take your first steps toward becoming a Paladin of the Flame of Compassion and allow Frill to have a direct impact on the world around you. Unlocked by being God touched. Unlocked by receiving a Skill from Frill. Unlocked by possessing an offensive Skill. Unlocked by having an elemental affinity. Unlocked by having a healing Skill. Unlocked by being not of this world. This provides +5 Dexterity, +5 Endurance, +5 Perception, +6 Luck, +9 Magic, +18 Strength, +24 Vitality, and +24 Divinity, per level.]

“Oh,” Freddie said, staring intently at the list, “That’s a choice.”



Martial Lady seems like the best option from what little we’ve seen of the Freddie’s personality. There’s also a big difference between her and Nora in that because she’s in a powerful and loving family. She can grow the class to be stronger. 🧐

Ben Tilly

She has a fire affinity. And wanted more magic. [Martial Lady] provides neither.


Under Devourer of the Forbidden Fruit it says "Unlocked by possessing the Tight Lips skill." But she has Hidden Heart not Tight Lips.