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Hello guys!
Thanks for all your well wishes, I'm now fully recovered and already back in society (but between you and me, the confinement wasn't *too* bad :P ).

Rewards for this month are all done and ready to be sent out (on the eighth, as usual!), and this time you'll get two timelapses instead of one, of Myrrinah and Vice!

Now let's get down to business!
I really wish to hear some feedback from you! After 7 month on Patreon, I'd love to hear your opinions on what you enjoy, what you don't enjoy and what you would like to see in the future! More fanarts? More timelapses? More rough sketches? Exclusive livestreams?
There's really no wrong answers, be as generic or as specific as you want!
Drop your suggestions  ᕙ( ๑‾̀◡‾́) ᕗ


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