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Waddup pimps,

If you are a newcomer or you are not sure on how my Patreon works, here you'll find some useful information. I'll keep this post updated as I change or edit tiers and rewards.


The 3 main rewards:

Monthly artwork: 

  • available to all the tiers 
  • character subject of the picture will be chosen by me. I might also make a poll, if I can't decide who to draw, or take a character that lost in the Patreon polls.

Bonus Stuff:  

  • alternative versions, also NSFW
  • character subject of the picture will be chosen by you as result of a poll, made by the Legendary patron. 

Hot Coffee: 

  • spiciest of 'em all
  • alternative versions, also NSFW
  • character subject of the picture will be chosen by you as result of a poll, made by me with your help (suggestions from the survey)

As for the Extra: they are pictures I made during the month by myself, at least two. They will be announced before the month ends, before Patreon charges you. Pr0n pictures count as Extra.

This tab may be useful to get a quick idea of how tiers work:

(Note that in this tab, "Main" is the picture that's published on all my social media, while "NSFW" contains all the alternative versions of the main picture, nsfw versions too)


Little Glossary: 

  • SD                    Standard Definition. 1920px for the bigger side
  • HD                    High Definition. 3000px for the bigger side
  • SFW                 Safe for Work, no nudes or sex stuff.
  • NSFW              Not Safe for Work, an explicit subject (nude or partially naked)
  • Pr0n                 Literally porn, penetration. Soft core as well.
  • Steps               Step by Step of my work process in SD jpg format.
  • T1-2-3-4-5    Tiers. T1 is the Apprentice and so on.


 Frequently Asked Questions 

"How do rewards work?"
  • 1. Rewards are sent every month, and depend on your Tier. Make sure to choose the right tier if you are looking for a specific picture. Hot Coffee NSFW is only for Tier 4+!
  • 2. Join before it's too late! Rewards are usually announced 2 weeks before the end of the month.  The pack name is related to the month in which you get charged.
    If you join to get X reward announced in December, inside the January pack, you'll have to join before the 1st of January in order to get it. Patreon will show December as the supported period in the billing history, but you have to refer to the month in which you get charged (January in this case).
    You can't join after January 1st to get the same X reward announced inside the January pack. If you do so, you may end up skipping to the next month rewards!
  • 3. I usually send rewards in the first 2 weeks of every month, but sometimes there may be a delay. You don't have to stay a patron to get the rewards if you already paid for it.
  • 4. Be careful to check the posts! There is always an update on the rewards and how far I'm in the process of finishing the next pack!
  • 5. When I send them, I usually make a post about it so everyone knows. If there are no posts about me sending the rewards you pledged for, then I didn't send them yet! Be sure to download rewards in time, because there is a time limit of 14 days!
"How do I get the rewards?"
  • 1. I'll send you a patreon message with a Google Drive link to a zip file containing your rewards. You can leave Patreon before you get the rewards, as long as you keep checking the page or your email box so you'll know exactly when the package has been sent.
  • 2. The link will lasts 14 days and after the expiration, I'll delete all the files from Drive. I'm not going to upload them again so make sure to download your rewards.
  • 3. As soon as I send the rewards, I'll make a post on Patreon, so you exactly know how much time you have to download your rewards.
"How come im not getting the October pack even if I joined in October? I joined in October, and I should get the rewards in November, according to this. "

If you're looking to get a specific package, you should always make sure to read the description of the post announcing it (the post with the previews). In the description of the October pack (and any other pack) you'll find its deadline, which is always the 1st day of the month that gives the name to the pack.
e.g. in case of the October pack, you have to pledge before October 1st in order to get the pack.

The billing system may make it more confusing since it refers to the month which you join, not the month of the day when you get charged
e.g. If you join before October 1st to get the October pack, the system will say that you supported me for the month of September.

That's how I decided to name the packages and I hope it's not too messy.

"Why the pictures on Patreon feed are the same resolution as all your other social media pictures? What's the point then?"

My Patreon page in not upfront charge, so that people can join or leave if they change their mind before the day of the charge happens (at the beginning of each month). Pictures on my Patreon feed are not the main rewards. The main rewards are what I send every month through Patreon DMs. That's where you get high resolutions and alternative versions (of course depending on your Tier).

"What's the size of a HD artwork?"

It's usually 3000px for the bigger side.  If it's a square, it will be 3000x3000px.

 "What's the format of the images?"

The images are JPGs.

"Can you remove your watermark for patrons? 

I prefer my stuff to be recognizable all the time, because I know it's going eventually to be leaked online. I know it sucks, but many creators do the same and I think it's fair.
I personally think it's not that invasive and I hope you'll understand.

"Can I get old rewards on Patreon?"

No but it's possible through Gumroad. HERE  you'll find all the previous rewards.
Each package on Gumroad will be uploaded 1 or 2 days after Patreon rewards are sent out. It will be overpriced for one month and then I'll lower its price.

"How do I join your Discord server? / Why your Discord server doesn't work?"

The Discord server is set to private and only patrons can join in, but just with an invitation. Sometimes I make an invitation post on Discord where patrons can ask to join into the server. I usually let 6-7 patrons to join the server. If a user leaves Patreon or is not that active, he will be kicked out.

 "How does the Gumroad discount work?" 

The Gumroad discount will be possible with a code that will be sent with your rewards. It will change every month, as I send the rewards.

I hope you find that post useful and please, stay awesome!



Just want to ask if you also take commissions as well.


Hello! I joined to try and get some of the older rewards. I saw some of the SFW stuff on deviantart, and wanted to join to see if I could get the NSFW pictures. It seems these are gone forever, though? I read something about about a Gumroad page, but the link doesn't seem to work? I can throw actual money at you if this solves the problem? :) Thanks for good content, keep up the good work!


Hello! I am subscribed to the Adept T2 level. If I want to get the art of lingerie (no nude), do I need to go to a higher level?


Link doesn't work? Are you sure? Try the link on the pinned post in the posts section. I can provide you another link if also that one doesn't work.


I don't provide only sfw versions outside of the T2 tier. Lingerie is not a fixed reward, so it may or may not happen.


Is there any way you can make past rewards available to those that weren't patrons before? Some of your past stuff is the main reason I am here.


Hullo! I missed the 14 day period for October's g-drive link. Any chance i can get the files somehow?


hello! just a quick question: I joined earlier in May at tier 3, but updated my pledge to tier 4 before June 1st - this means I get full access to June's hot coffee, correct? Thank you!


I usually leave the link online for longer than 14 days. If you missed it anyway, DM me. You may get a second chance.


Thank you so much for the detailed FAQ. I subscribed today! So stoked to receive my first batch of pictures! You are so incredibly talented, and I am so happy I get to support you!


Sorry to bother but I'm a new patron and just received the mail but couldn't pen the file. Read the FAQ but still not sure what to do. Do I need a program or something? Thank you so much and your work is . Hope your feeling better.


Thanks. It's a normal compressed folder. You can use softwares like Winrar or the default one by Windows to open it.