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Waddup pimps,

In this past week I've been working on the package as you may know by now. Most of it is pretty much done and I reached the final part of the process.
Unfortunately things can never go so smooth. What also got worse in the past few days was my eyes situation. They are tired, constantly dry -even if I take many breaks, use drops and drink a lot- and, worst of all, it seems that my abrasions are giving me annoyance once again.

Each day i wake up, it can either be a good day or a bad day. Sometimes it goes well, some others a sharp pain hits either my left or right eye and I have to rest for most of the day. The moments I felt better I worked on the pack, but that may have made things worse on the long run.
Today I reached the point where I could barely sit in front of the pc and work for 2 hours. I'm so close to finishing it: all the versions are set and all I have to do is save each one and do minor fixes here and there, but it's hard to stare at the screen for some time.

I've been to 3 different doctors when this first happened months ago, but nobody ever found a solution to me waking up with this kind of pain. Now even getting one doctor to see you is harder due to the fact that they cancelled most of the visits to give priority to Covid cases.

So, in the next days, I'll work at least a hour or two a day and see if i can finish everything before the end of the week.

Sorry if I've been inactive on my socials and dms, but I gave the priority to the November pack. I hope you're still interested in the pack and that you're not too mad at me for being once again late.

Have a good day and cya in the next days!

What I wrote may be a bit messy, but it's hard to physically go back and read it all.



Noooo my fave papa


I'll wait as long as I need. Your health comes first! Please be well


Hey man, your health comes first. I can wait. Hope you'll be back in top condition boss!


Heal soon man


Please take your time and do whatever you need to get better. As others have said, your health is the most important thing!

Luis Antonio

Take the time yoy need, there's no hurry, first your health, the pack can wait

Kenyon White

Focus on your health, we’ll still be here when you get back. Get well soon.


You good, take your time 💚


Take all the time you need please, we love you and care about you and your health <3 i hope you'll get better soon


Health always comes first, take your time and get well soon Mirco!!


Mirco, I really hope you can find a solution to this, brother! I hope this all blows over for you soon, man.


Don’t worry Mirco, first things first and thats is your health, you must put all things away and take the time you need to rest.


Take your time Mirco! I sincerely hope that you'll find a solution for your health!


Health comes first, especially now. Get well soon!


Like everyone else as said, I hope you find a solution soon and we want you to prioritize your health first and foremost!

FrostBite X39

Please take care of yourself. We’ll be here when you get back to it 😎


You have health issues and your art style requires time to finish so delays are understandable. Get well first, health is important.


Don't worry, take your time to feel better :)


Feel better soon! No need to worry!


Bro, take care of yourself first. These images can wait. We can wait


As always take your time , your health comes first

Stellar Simp

The pack can wait. Just take care of yourself.

FrostBite X39

Hey @Scimano240 have you ever considered trying gamer glasses? They are glasses that are meant for long play sessions in front of a TV or monitor, but they also work well for individuals who have to work in front of a PC for long periods of time. They’re meant to reduce digital eyestrain from harmful blue light. I don’t think it’s gonna be a fix for your issue but it might help minimize the issue.


Your health always comes first, take as much time as you need to


You are so skilled, please do not wreck your eyes by working too much.


You are an awesome artist man! The pack can wait, just make sure you feel better :)


I've enjoyed excellent artwork for years. Take care of yourself first. Hopefully it gets sorted out and we will see you then.


No need to rush with art


Take care of yourself first! No need to strain your eyes just to keep us happy. Get well!


Take your time. I'm sure everyone here who supports your work feels the same. No one wants you to degrade your health over art.


Get better first dude, I’d rather wait many months for your art and you be healthy than for you to permanently damage your eyes


Oh, you woke up with this issue? I thought it was from keeping your eyes open too long in front of your monitor, but this sounds eerily close to what happened to my great grandmother, so I'll post this. It's called Lagopthalmos, specifically Nocturnal lagopthalmos. Her eyes were staying open throughout the night, leading to them feeling extremely dried out at night. Originally it seemed like her eyes were dry and she wasn't blinking enough, but eventually this was the diagnosis. She had to put this gel in at night, and tape her lids shut+wear an eye mask. If nothing else, might be something to bring up to your doctor and ask their opinion.


We’re more worried about your health, than a few artworks (amazing as they might be). Take care of yourself and we wish you a speedy recovery (for your own health).


Barbara pro-tip: c'mon you can do it!


Take good care of yourself, Mirco! <3


Rest more and take care of.


Take Care !


Please take care of yourself.

Eddie Murphy

Most important thing is your health and safety!

sign net

Nothing to forgive, friend. We are all so grateful for what you do, and no amount of sacrificing your future as an artist is worth it (to me) to have that package a day, week, or month early. Take care of yourself. THEN come and please us! ^_^ On a side-note, have you considered transitioning to traditional art processes? That is, graphite, ink, or paint on paper? If the light of technology (literally!) hurts your eyes, maybe your future is in traditional art. Just a thought. Much love~


First things first: take care of yourself!


Take a bigger break if needed! I hope you'll feel better!


Do not worry about the delay and give Tramadol a try if you have pain again!