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Hi peeps,

I guess you heard about the recent updates around the way Patreon manage the fees. They are going to make you patrons pay an extra fee that, before, was charged to the creators. It's 2,9% + 0,35$, excluding the random VAT that some of you have to pay everytime. Creators have now a fee of 5% on the earnings, instead of 5% plus a random 7-15%.

I don't think it's the best way to handle the situation, mostly because there was no need to do that. I guess it's a way for them to make more money out of it, because if there is a reason to some weird changes, money is the answer most of the times.

So when it happens, I'll change the Adept and Master tier. The amount you pay will be reduced by 0,50$.
The Apprentice tier will stay as it is, because I feel it's one of the most rewarding 1$ tiers out there among the NSFW art creators.

We don't know yet if they'll keep this decision or they will change it cuz of the complaints. I'll keep you updated and I think Patreon will do the same.

I hope you'll enjoy this change and feel free to share your thoughts!
Stay awesome!


Stellar Simp

Thanks for updating us Sciamano! Hope Patreon's decision doesn't gut your income.


I appreciate your commitment towards our commitment to you, I wouldn't mind at all as long as you are getting paid well enough!


You're so fantastic


I already spend too much on Patreon and have set a limit to how much I spend per month and this change put me over. I already started reviewing and cutting some pledges. You were not one of them. However, this reduction is much appreciated.

Lucien black

I’m spending around $100 a month on patreon xD my pledge isn’t going anywhere


you're a babe


Don't mind supporting great art!

Eddie Murphy

I've been needing to trim my pledges anyway as I'm already spending too much and this just forces me, but I'm going to continue supporting you. I appreciate you making this change.