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Waddup pimps,

Please check out the pack+character suggestion survey!

Rewards have been sent using Patreon Messages to people who joined before June 1st only (which results as billed for the month of May)! Files on Gofile will be deleted in 20 days and I'm not going to upload them again, so if you still have to download them, do it!

Now some updates:

  • Gumroad suspended my account once for all and no old content can be purchased anymore. I will stay on the lookout for any alternative platform which allows me to sell my older packs. In the meantime I'll be using my SubscribeStar page to make at least my latest Patreon pack available for purchase.

  • If you'd like to get the 24-06 pack, but you weren't able to get it on Patreon, you can purchase it from my SubscribeStar page at this LINK.

  • August payments will be paused. No one will be charged at the beginning of August. Next payment will be probably in September, whenever the next pack is fully announced.

  • I will do another character survey later in August. Since flavors of the month and popular characters keep switching around, it might be best for everyone to make a second character survey right before I release the polls. That way I could consider possible new popular entries.

  • Everyone will get a Gofile link this time around. Make sure to download the pack!

  • Just in case you didn't notice yet, charges on my Patreon are not upfront, therefore you won't be charged until the 1st week of each month (unless the month has been skipped). If you joined after June 1st, then the next charge hasn't happened yet.

  • If you are a Tier 3 and you see only 2 versions of Eve, that's because only Tier 4+ patrons received all the versions, as my FAQ and Tier description specify. If you want all versions of a Tier 4+ character in the next packs, you have to switch to an higher Tier.

If you have any question, use the comment section of this post (don't ask without reading it first)!

Stay safe, stay awesome and have a nice day!


Christopher Tice

I'm obviously a big fan, otherwise I wouldn't be a Patron. However, I'm beginning to feel as though the poses are getting too static. The EVE illustration is amazing as usual and incredibly accurate, but I feel like her pose is very...neutral. I'd love to see more dynamic poses as the work continues to evolve.


Sciamano my liege lord, if I could humbly ask you to look at Rosanna chic ocean, she is the summer event character of nikke gacha, if even the thought of wanting to draw her was considered, I would be a happy prinny indeed.

Colin Bradley

So I must admit that I am late to the conversation, but I would like to voice a discrepancy with the timelines. This message, which notified us of the available download, was sent on the 6th and specified we would have 20 days before the download was no longer available. And I will also admit that I have been busy and didn't get to it until the 25th, which is 19 days later than the message was sent to notify. Now every message or email which contains the download states that we only had 14 days to complete the download. I'm feeling a little mislead here. Is there a grievous oversight on my part? Is there something that can be done for those who didn't look through ALL the messages pertaining to this month's set? I hate to be a problem and I'm a big fan. I just have other stuff going on sometimes.


It's something that I may have missed. I'll correct the deadlines and make them match for future packs.