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hey everyone its me dumplis now before you ask no nothing bad is happening and no im not quitting art, im actually just resetting my Patreon account but for what you may be asking? well theres a couple things for that.

1- Im not satisfied with what im offering
    Although some may not have an issue with my tiers i have a issue with them some are Badly written,some tiers have rewards with no real effect and some well had their massive issues like high tiers back then

2-Wanting to re fix all the doodoo in my patreon.

    i think my patreon page in total kinda stinks lol

3-i want it to be a bit more professional

   says the guy who has yuuko as his Patreon icon and still makes grammar errors here and there

so yeah those are my reasons.

will you be comming back? Yes! yes i will! but for the mean time if you still want to support me just go visit my other substar if u want to continue https://subscribestar.adult/dumplis



okiedokie smokie, alls good