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In a desert oasis deep within the Dreamlands, the heroes finally come face to face with the Mad Poet.

Note: We apologize for the poor audio. The mixing board audio was unfortunately corrupted.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/SSB5k7BeKkQ 



Sam May

When a witch familiar dies the witch can't prepare different spells until they resummon the familar. They are still able to cast what they have prepped. If your familiar dies, your patron replaces it during your next daily preparations. The new familiar might be a duplicate or reincarnation of your former familiar or a new entity altogether, but it knows the same spells your former familiar knew regardless. Your familiar's death doesn't affect any spells you have already prepared

Ged Riverstone

The Audio, whilst not up to your usual standard (especially Troy's standards! ) was still totally fine and clear to listen to, and that's coming from another fussy Virgo. Just letting you know so you don't sweat it too much. Great Episode btw. Praise log that we didn't lose the audio for this altogether! :)


But Kate saying, "is this what it feels like to win the Super Bowl?!", to me, makes rule of cool the right call for what Troy did.