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What's up, Naish?!

We are thrilled to announce the release of a new Fan Critical Submission App! As we ramp up to the most exciting Gen Con ever for the GCN and The Naish, we wanted to add an influx of new Pathfinder 2E Fan Crits & Fumbles that we can use in Indianapolis and beyond. To submit a new Crit and/or Fumble, you must be a subscriber at the $10 tier or higher on Patreon and you must be logged into Patreon on the browser you use to submit. The new submission app can be found here:


Anyone who previously submitted an approved Pathfinder 1E Crit or Fumble that never aired, your submission is still on record and is still in the mix to be pulled on any Pathfinder 1E show. While we are primarily looking to populate our Pathfinder 2E Crit list as we launch into GCP 1.5,  we will also welcome new Pathfinder 1E submissions through this form at any time.

This app was built with love by members of the Naish who wanted nothing more than to stop Joe from embarrassing himself on stage while looking for a "local" crit, and to ensure that Skid's rage at fan submissions would continue long into the Pathfinder 2E generation. Thanks to the team at Gear Box Built for this fantastic upgrade!

Now, do your worst, you monsters!

-The Glass Cannon Team




Can we use the app?? I'd love to add GCP crit hits and fails to our games.

David Starling

Similar SuperFluffyKitty, it's telling me I need to upgrade to a higher tier to submit a crit, but I'm at the $25 tier (but yearly).