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The stars were out in Hollywood as the boys made their long awaited return to Los Angeles for a madcap night at the Teragram Ballroom. Jared Logan filled in for Matthew for one of the best shows in the entire tour as our heroes met a familiar face who had some very interesting information to share.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/gEyKSsaUpqw 



Nick Foote

I got to see this in person and it was an absolute riot! I think Joe might have been the most genuinely scared I've ever seen.

Todd Whorrall

I was there as well and both Jared and Grant were dropping finishing moves from the top rope

Freaky Frits

I can’t be the only one that heard the crowd yell ‘Alex Jones’ at the start lol Luckily I was wrong ;)

Freaky Frits

It was LA Joe :) I’m foreign, sue me.

brandee cartwright

This show was hilarious. I'm not a fan of Jared DMing but damn he's funny as a player.

Vexing Aimi

Oh, because there wasn’t a Glass Cannon Live tag, I missed seeing this uploaded. It was a great show, I’m glad I could see them in person. Sucks though that I wasn’t able to see Matthew for my first show.