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We just added a brand new $1 Tier right here on Patreon called The Glass Cannon Sampler Platter. If you have friends on the fringe of the Naish, please encourage them to spend the best $1 they'll ever spend where they'll get 12 Patreon exclusive eps including Raiders of the Lost Continent Episodes 1-3, Legacy of the Ancients Episodes 1-3, Get in the Trunk Episodes 1-3 (back when it was New Game, Who Dis?) and all three eps of the Cyberpunk Red one shot when New Game, Who Dis? went to streaming last year.

ONE DOLLAR for that sweet Naish-y goodness. Tell your friends! Tell your lovers! Tell your mailman! Let's grow the Naish!


Simon Birch

This is a great idea! I'll be suggesting it to friends, especially my DG group

Todd Whorrall

This is absolutely well played. A nice teaser with a bunch of great content for virtually no cost. Will recommend this to anyone at any time.