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If you missed last night's live stream announcement where your old buddy Troy and your new buddy Jared Logan not only discuss Stream of Blood joining the GCN, but also spill the beans on shows that will be releasing soon in 2022, then here's that delicious audio-only version for you to catch up on all news! You can follow the newest in-house Game Master of the GCN, Jared Logan, on twitter @JaredLogan.


Jason Quackenbush

Skid & Ross in an ongoing show together is all I want from actual play podcasting. Becca & Noura are icing on the cake, but if you guys could get Syd on w/ Skid & Ross playing Kult Nights Black Agents or Feng Shui, that’s gonna be my new wishlist.


Becca & Noura did such a good job in the 30's Cthulhu hobotown game. And Ross was so great in Twilight 2000. Imho the GCP format of short-arc games will be the best early venue for their talents - rather than long arc games. I've seen (most of) the non-GCP web games that they've been on. I think that their shorter arc games worked best. Vocal talent & invention like theirs works best with a smaller canvas: plus the short games will give them a chance to develop the easy GCP chemistry that makes the long campaigns (A&A, Giants) work. To belabour and hopefully prove the point: compare and contrast Syd with Ellie. Ellie fitted right in with the longform game (A&A) because her chemistry fitted so well with the group. Syd is more inventive and voiced than Ellie - but frankly she floundered at first with that 'what's going on' baffled teenager character on A&A. But then Syd turned it around, and I think her short-arc games must have helped - such as her *wonderful* performance in the Mork Borg game. In summary: recommend that GCP beds the new talent in with short arc games.