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Things got extra spicy last night in Chicago when the heroes came up against adorable topiaries and kinky nobles. Be sure to watch the video when it comes out, but here's the audio to get caught up on the madness before we're live again tomorrow night in Columbus!



Dries Chielens

Man, they really are cranking out shows. I love it!

Alexander Glaser

It’s seriously uncool that only Patreon people can be caught up. This isn’t on YouTube yet and Columbus live show is RIGHT NOW.


Grappled creatures (including the grappler and grapplee) take a -4 to dex and -2 to all attack rolls and combat maneuvers but are not flat footed, so you can't get free sneak attacks in.

David Lee

They have been cranking these out insanely fast, these are 2 hour videos they have to edit and upload to YouTube. They are doing shows faster than the editor can edit.

David Lee

Also if the dudes see this I am a professional video editor with over 10 years experience and I would love to help out

Karl Cross

Really don't like the Anti-Christianity. You want to express that you are not Christians go right ahead... but giving a donkey the name Jesus and purposely saying stuff like "F. U. Jesus" and "Go to Hell Jesus" is not acceptable

Karl Cross

I have thought about GCN laughing as Skid cursed God. I am cancelling my funding to GNC, I understand my small 5 dollars will not be missed by GCN but I can't support your actions. Good Day!

Michael C Hershiser

I wish I could have been there. Damn you work! Can't wait to see you guys sometime soon. Until then keep up pumping out the content.