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It's not every day that we launch a brand new podcast, but today's one of those days! We know a lot of you are looking for the premiere episode here on Patreon, but thanks to your support, Wicked Empire is a free podcast downloadable everywhere!

Episode 1 is now available for free on all podcasts apps. If you don't see it on your app, it should show up throughout the day today. In the meantime, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, DOWNLOAD, RATE AND REVIEW on Apple Podcasts because those reviews can really help get new eyeballs on a show.

Thank you for helping us reach another milestone for the company. Enjoy the new show and be sure to check out Episode 2 airing tonight on Twitch at 8PM EST!

Here is the direct RSS feed URL: https://anchor.fm/s/6c957d08/podcast/rss

And here is the video: https://youtu.be/ZOOpTL6Foro


‎Wicked Empire on Apple Podcasts

Using the Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition game system, Dungeon Master Jared Logan crafts a stunning original adventure where no one meets in a tavern and everyone has a license to kill. Set on a remote tropical island full of exploding buildings, shattering glass, and gravity defying martial arts...


Brett Shields

Liked the start of the story, but the audio is ROUGH. Couldn't finish it.

Taylor Bell

I like this show, I enjoy the characters, the players’ chemistry together, everyone seems like they’re having a lot of fun. And I love the DM’s creativity. However, I’m struggling. I’m on episode 5 right now, and I just cannot get past the immensely loose DMing by Jared Logan (my apologies if I spelled his name wrong), I understand where he’s coming from, and though I do appreciate diversity in DM style on the network, it’s such a drastically opposite approach from Troy, Joe, or Skid. One of the reasons I love the GCP is how everyone at least tries to stick to the rules, and let the dice help tell the story. It feels in this campaign like Jared is scared of hurting his players, and he allows so much leniency for benefiting the players. It’s just so frustrating to listen to, because all of his “oh no, I’m gonna get ya” whenever he has a high roll sounds so fake, because it’s so clear that he’s on the players’ side. Obviously, this isn’t an inherently bad thing, many people play the game just to have fun, and DMs (myself included) are often supposed to be on the players’ side, the problem for me is just how much hand holding there is, and bending of rules for fear of letting someone go down or die. Okay, done ranting. I’ve been tearing my hair out for all 5 episodes and something in particular just happened a little less than half way through episode 5 that was sort of the last straw and I feel like I need to say something. Please don’t get me wrong, I like the show, I love the concept, the story, the characters, I just wish it was more fair, and I wish they were a little more tight on understanding what the rules say. I realize that the GCP crew does not always know the rules, and certainly aren’t perfect, but you have to admit that when they’re presented with something usually they will choose to side with the rules, or the community interpretation, and Troy doesn’t just say “eh, we don’t need to play by the letter of the law,” and just allow for fudging random nonsense because he’s scared his big bad is going to hurt or kill a PC.