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Things started AND ended with a bang last night in Indianapolis. Get caught up before show #2 tomorrow afternoon back at Helium Comedy Club.




I WAS planning on being productive today.

Kenneth Mennell Jr.

I can't wait. Downloading now to listen during the drive to Indy for Saturday show!


It was lots of fun!! Hope you guys have an awesome night #2!!!! 😆😆😆

Mike Eberhardt

I cant wait til I can go to one. Please come to the pacific northwest <3


PNW for the win please!!

Michael C Hershiser

Great seeing you guys here in Indy. Amazing show.

Aiden Walker

This was a very elaborate plot to steal Jake's D20

Douglas Becker

Is there going to be video for this?

Jason Quackenbush

i love you guys but i just can't take it anymore without getting pedantic: stelæ is plural and the word is pronounced "steely" like a metal marble or Jack Palance's stare because æ is a long vowel in Greek. The singular is also steely if its spelled "stele" or it can pronouced to rhyme with Teela from masters of the universe if spelled stela.