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Step into the grim darkness of the far future where life is short and only the strongest, or most deranged, survive. With an ever watchful eye, Grant Berger helps Kate Stamas, Troy Lavallee, Joe O'Brien, and Skid Maher draft up fresh recruits for the God Emperor's army in Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory by Cubicle 7. After character creation, the newly formed squad of murderous castoffs begin a mysterious mission, but will they meet their end before they can begin?

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/hl_bRCIvMfk



Dallas Lewis

Grant FTW on the vids/audio

Georg Hörner

Skid with the old-school sci-fi references, talking about "A Canticle for Leibowitz". Love it. Goddamn! The episode was fun!