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With prime hunting ground at stake from the Camarilla, the coterie is in danger of breaching the Masquerade! Can Valeska, Petra, Charles and Dr. Malcolm Webster corral their unsettling prey before the sun rises or will their hunger and bloodlust distract them from the mission at hand?

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/-r83EOM68uM




Everyone always goes on about the Delta Green stuff but this was a great series too. So much RP that came alive.

Matt Jones

Agree, this was epic - This was epic, Jared kept everything moving while giving everyone room enough to flex their RP muscles through the series


Nora's decision to fly off the handle dragged the whole game to a crawl while everyone was forced to play clean up for over an hour. It would make more sense if low int characters made suicidal decisions but she wasn't. I'm not watching these in order, so forgive me, but I quit inherit the sand because Nora did something else that was very short sighted, and dumb to the point of being very out of character. I don't know if she needs to prep more, or take a vacation, but that woman needs to stop creating more problems than the gm. At least the gm had time to prep something more interesting than cleaning a mess.