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Happy New Year! The Fod is back and better than ever as Joe invites Troy on for an in-depth debate on the Side Quest Side Sesh Finale, as well as a look behind the scenes at the preparation and impact of the Network's first ever prime time appearance on the front page of Twitch.tv! We're going long to get Listener Mail in as well. Set aside the next 92 minutes...this is not a Fod you wanna miss!



Cliff Acantigue CR

This was an important debate and really appreciated the interchange and thought Joe’s talking points on point although analysis of scenario as written was missing. Fundamentally there’s much to talk about player agency, older / first generation rpgs (i.e. miniature war games with role-playing), balance and streaming/recording. I’m glad that there’s also games like Dungeon World and more.

Matt honeck

To Troy's Credit I am under the opinion that if I don't kill a character every 5 levels that I am not challenging them enough. Although I'd also point out that in another cannon fodder ages past Troy indicated that he felt a TPK was a failure not only of the GM but of the players. I was running a game for over a year and I told my players, your all level 5, one of you should have died by now, so next game I'm really bringing it, and I didn't know how much they could handle so I built an encounter with 6 possible waves and then when someone died on wave 5 I knew I had challenged them enough. Actually 3 of 5 players died. Although in fairness 1 of those deaths was a guy leaving the country and I asked him how much BS he was up for and he just told me to bring all of it so I ensured his charcters death in a good story way and a good fun battle way.