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Oh my goodness, do we have a HUGE night in store for the Naish this evening! Not only are we kicking off a new show with exciting new players and an inspiring new game system, we are being featured on the front page carousel of Twitch for the entire broadcast! This is an enormous milestone for the company and has the potential to bring a lot of new eyes to what we do. Every time I think about it, I could cry.

When I think back to starting this Twitch channel playing Dark Souls 3 to oftentimes less than 15 people watching, it just blows my mind how far we've come. And YOU are so much a part of this. Your subscriptions and your support of what we do has enabled us to reach these heights. I guess you could say, you're our enablers. Wait. That's not right.

The point is, if you can tune in tonight or just open the link, leave it on and not even watch it at 7:50PM EST when the countdown begins, that would help us immensely. Then again, why wouldn't you watch it?! Skid bought a whole new wardrobe just for his character! I hope we can see you tonight in chat. Please welcome what will hopefully be a solid amount of  new viewers and let them know with your energy why being a part of the Naish is the best!

Love you all. -- Troy

(Except you. You know who you are.)



John Pingo

It was a great first episode! Great chemistry between everyone on the show.


Great sesh, I love the new guests and I hope you find reasons to keep them coming back for new projects!