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Is there an easier way to access exclusive audio content than listening through Patreon’s site or mobile app?

Yes! You can listen to our exclusive content in most podcast apps. Simply follow the instructions in this article and you’ll be set up to have The Champagne Room update right alongside all of your favorite podcasts: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866

I can’t find a place on my podcast app to search for a podcast by URL, so I can’t add The Champagne Room. Can you help me add your exclusive audio to my favorite podcast app?

According to this article (published Mar. 2019), the following platforms do not support adding a podcast by URL: Stitcher, Castbox, Google Play, Google Podcasts, and the iHeartRadio App. Therefore, if you want to listen to The Champagne Room content through a podcast app, you’ll need to choose a different one for our exclusive audio. If you’ve chosen another podcast app that doesn’t appear on this list, you’ll need to search “How to add a podcast by URL” in that particular podcast app’s help section. For more info on your private audio RSS feed, here is a comprehensive article posted by Patreon: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866

My Champagne Room feed on my podcast app hasn’t updated in weeks/months. Is something wrong with the podcast service?


Some or all episodes of [insert show name here] are missing from my Champagne Room audio feed. How do I access that content?


I see most episodes of [insert show name here], but can’t find a particular episode. Have you guys taken it down?

Most likely the problem that you are experiencing is just with your unique Champagne Room URL. These private URLs have been known to occasionally get glitchy. Unfortunately, we don't have any control over the private RSS feeds. They are private from us as well. They are created, distributed and managed by Patreon. This article describes how the private RSS feeds work and includes some troubleshooting tips:


Most of the time, the problem can be fixed by deleting the feed entirely from your podcast app, and then reinstalling it from scratch (essentially a reboot of the RSS feed on your device). If that doesn’t work, try out the Patreon Help Center. In the past, they have issued new private URLs when a given one is broken. Unless specifically posted otherwise on our social media, new exclusive content releases on schedule every week and all past episodes of exclusive content that we’ve ever released on Patreon are still available to members in good standing.

I saw that there is an exclusive Discord server for members of the Glass Cannon Patreon. How do I access that benefit?

Here is an article published by Patreon that will walk you through how to connect your Discord profile to Patreon:


If I’m a member of the $10 tier or higher, where do I go to submit my fan crit and/or fumble?

Here is a post with the link you’ll need: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36454960

Crowdcast isn’t working for me. Is there another place I can watch or listen to older episodes of Cannon Fodder Friday?

No. All Cannon Fodder Friday episodes recorded before October 2nd, 2020 are only available on Crowdcast. At the time, we only used Crowdcast because it had a direct integration with Patreon to provide exclusive content to members of certain tiers. Crowdcast is the only such platform that Patreon had an agreement with to provide this service at the time. If you are unable to access our content on Crowdcast, and you are a member of the $10 tier or higher—note that you must be a member of the $10 tier or higher, not just pledge the required amount—you will need to contact Crowdcast support.

I’m a member of the $10 tier (or higher), but I seemed to be locked out of listening to Cannon Fodder Friday, or viewing older episodes on Crowdcast. Help?

A common cause for this problem is when members increase their pledge to $10 or more, but don’t actually upgrade their tier. Double check that your membership doesn’t say The Champagne Room. You can pledge any amount you want over $10, but if you are still technically in The Champagne Room tier, you will not have access to Cannon Fodder Friday. If your tier is in order and you still can’t access the videos—or audio episodes are not automatically appearing in the Champagne Room podcast feed—contact both Patreon and Crowdcast support. They are generally fast with responses.

Do I have to attend Cannon Fodder Friday live on Twitch? Or is it recorded and available later? Is it available in an audio-only format?

Cannon Fodder Friday airs live on Twitch every week. Audio of the show is recorded and released to members of the $10 tier or higher generally within a matter of hours. The audio can be found in the same Champagne Room feed where our exclusive content is published.

I am a member of a higher tier and noticed a post for a lower tier that I can’t access. Shouldn’t I have access to all rewards at my tier and below?

You do have access to all rewards at your tier and below. In some rare cases, a post must go out to a tier that has to deal specifically with members of that tier. It is usually logistical in nature, or some action that must be taken by members of that tier and no one else. The post itself is not a reward and would only serve to confuse members of a higher tier if they read it and accidentally took action.

I upgraded to or just joined the $15 tier or above. When will I receive my bottlecaps?

You are eligible to receive bottlecaps after you’ve been a member at the $15 tier or higher for four (4) consecutive months. At that time, we will email you an order form asking for your updated mailing address. In some cases, you may be contacted before that point in order to facilitate a more efficient shipping order, but generally, you should not go more than four months without hearing from us about placing an order. Also, keep in mind that in order to receive your caps you MUST fill out an order form which is emailed to the address that is currently listed as your member address on Patreon. If you do not respond to the order form, you will not receive your reward for that round.

I want to join the $50 or $100 tier, but notice that the spots are sold out. Can you add another spot? Or is there a waiting list?

At this time, we unfortunately are not able to add more spots to these tiers. There is, however, a waiting list! Email patreon@glasscannonpodcast.com with the subject WAITING LIST and let us know if you’re interested in having your name added to the list.

Is Matthew as kind and thoughtful in person as he seems on the show(s)?




Does Blood of the Wild have its own feed? I’m not seeing any episodes on my Champagne

Brian McDermott

Hey Aaron! This is McD the Community Manager here at the Network. If you are using a podcast app to listen to the feed, you can try a couple of possible solutions. First you should try clearing the cache of your podcast app, and that should update your RSS feed to your newly upgraded tier. If that doesn't work you can manually delete and re-add the RSS feed to the podcast app that you are using. If neither of these work for you, let me know and we can troubleshoot further.

Liam kline

That last question 😂


Is this what Matthew gets for not being a patreon 😂😂

Love Nilsson

Is Cannon Fodder still a thing? Its not really promoted on the homepage. Just listened on the early eps 1-22. Its good!


I use Castbox for Champagne Room and have no issues

Mike Taylor

they stopped for quite awhile. they are doing it right now as a patreon thing for the $10 and up people i believe. They do it over crowdcast and throw up announcements as to when it's on

Buck Underbrush

hey Boys how do i get ahoold pf you extra content

Nicholas Trepanier

Joey O, your the green man. Delta Green, and Emerald Spire

Wil Knoble

SKID - a great pic of Sandpoint to show during town stuff... you can almost hear the gulls and waves washing ashore: https://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderCampaignSetting/20181004-Sandpoint.jpg

Aramis Dwyn Bellemore

Been listening for 2 years at this point. Joined TONIGHT with the Strange Aeons marathon livestream!

Gary S

Man, you guys are killing it! When I first joined I think there were less than 1,000 members - look at your Naish now! Shit, I remember when $35000/mo was "in sight"!


i'm hoping it due to the upgrades to yearly, maybe some are still updating

Jennifer Munoz

the annual membership glitched out HARD for me, I had to actually cancel my membership entirely and re-pledge after the weekend had passed, meaning that I couldn't do a yearly pledge :( @Joe just in case you're wondering why you're seeing fluctuations!

Jennifer Munoz

It was very odd - I did the upgrade on my existing credit card that I've used for months on Patreon, and then a day later got a "need to retry your payment" error message. Tried a few different payment methods yesterday, but I think that Patreons system had "attached" the now-expired annual membership option to my account, so because that offer was expired, I couldn't process a payment no matter what method or different card I tried. So I canceled and re-pledged (with the exact same credit card I'd tried first) for a monthly pledge, and that went through with no problem. Maybe Patreons still working through their ability to process annual memberships?

Matt Jones

I completely forgot about this problem, I had the same issue but was able to get it to work by going through PayPal (with exactly the same credit card as you say!)


Should all episodes of Raider of the Lost Continent be available on the £5 tier? I can't get the early episodes (series 1 episodes 1-26).

K. Sanchez

Some of them don't show up properly, I think. I can give you the link I use to find them when I want to re-listen - fair warning though, you'll have to scroll past the old Disorganized Play stuff and some of the live shows to get to them, but all of Season 1 can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/glasscannon/posts?tag=ruinsofazlant&sort=published_at&filters[media_types]=audio


That's done the trick for most of them, for some reason episodes 15, 23, 24 and 25 are still locked - but that's definitely an improvement! Thank you!

K. Sanchez

That's so weird! But I'm glad it worked for some of them. :)

Lalo D. Rosales

First time ever joining a patreon and idk how to listen to the podcast's you guys have put out

Matt Jones

There is a player in here but you should also receive an RSS link - if not, go to the web browser version fo Patreon and select 'My Membership' - you'll see an RSS there you can add to your pod catcher of choice

Morley Coval

I’ve never joined a patron before but I love your show


Same! So excited, GCP NAISH!!!

Kelvin Browne

Fully caught up to the gcp and side quest side Jon... And need more nerdage in my life!


Yes exactly I’ll stop listening if they pull underhanded shit like that. The show and podcast are my top one and two content to enjoy but I HATE grifts being pulled on me.

The Glass Cannon

Folks, this was a simple clerical error. It's been fixed. We would NEVER randomly change content to a new tier without complete transparency beforehand.

TF Eccles

Many thanks for fixing the problem. Sorry about the panic!

Ged Riverstone

Yes, figured it was a simple error. Thank you guys for fixing it so quickly.

Mark Stewart

Sorry but was a statement this aggressive even necessary? Couldn't just ask if a simple mistake had been made rather than immediately warn them about grifting?

Robert May

Okay, for $10 I used to get content. I now get one game and Cannon Fodder. Please tell me why I should continue to pay.

David Lee

You could just comeback when they add more stuff, or go to 5 for now. Or unsubscribe. I doubt any member of the team is going to grovel in the comment section though.

Robert May

Yeah, groveling, obviously my intent. I pay for and expect content. I used to reserve content. I no longer do. How is that controversial? Is this a "supply chain" issue? Think not. But hey, really care about what you think!


I think it's only been for January that the well dried up? Legitimately curious - do you mean because a lot of this is on youtube or whatever that it doesn't feel exclusive or that you're used to Delta Green, Legacy/Raiders, etc. flow and you feel that it's waned?

Matthew Manion

There is still content, I don't know what else to tell you. If you like it, keep it, if you don't, leave. It's not anyone's job to convince you to stay


I have always felt that Patreon is a way to intentionally support Glass Cannon regardless of their situation or content production schedule. Haven't you ever had a tabletop campaign go long? Or you needed to scramble to find a new group? These dudes are hauling ass trying to properly monetize a thing we all love to it can be sustainable in the long term. It's changing and expanding and they've been up front about it. GTFO this month if you're unhappy with it. This is not some kind of RPG-content vending machine.

Robert May

Yes, that's the answer. So, instead of voicing my concern, I should take my ball and go home. Because that's support! It is possible to support AND share my dissatisfaction. I pay for content. Same cost, but now, 1/3 the content. But hey, just grin and take it or leave in a huff must be the only two options...


I feel like the guys have been pretty open about what their plans are for the rest of the year and why things may be a little quieter earlier in 2022. I understand that everyone has different reasons for using Patreon and I guess if you feel like you aren't getting adequate return then you shouldn't pay. I personally really value the amount of things these chaps have put out and also the quality of all of that content. If they decide to take time to avoid getting burned out and ease off on the quantity then for me personally that is what I would prefer they do. They're bringing in different people and different shows to commit to a really full schedule in the year to come but are doing so in a way that is sustainable for them. That's perfectly acceptable as far as I'm concerned.

Robert May

I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Everyone’s solution appears to be then don’t pay. This is not a binary situation with an either or something solution. Imagine a world where a customer/consumer can voice your concerns AND contribute.