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Mordecai's life hangs in the balance as he dangles perilously over a spiked pit. Every second counts as his allies rush to his aid.




Two rules/intention-related points: 1. RAW, I think Mordecai should have been able to cast the spell while holding his weapon. CRB, p303, on somatic components: “You can use this component while holding something in your hand, but not if you are restrained or otherwise unable to gesture free.” And the consensus is that you can cast while holding a weapon and shield or a two handed weapon: https://paizo.com/threads/rzs42sh9?Can-you-still-cast-somatic-spells-while


2. The use of Assurance for Athletics doesn’t appear to be a dev oversight, but rather an intentional feature of the rules. E.g., see Mark Seifter’s post here: https://paizo.com/threads/rzs42nqh?Mini-Guides-to-Starting-Ability-Scores#8