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I hope this image brings you back. Back to a simpler time. When we would all be friends forever...forever...forever...

This incredible piece by Robert Atkins captures the charming of Razzmatazz in one of the many epic scenes from Glass Cannon Episode 100. It was released on April 25, 2017 and now here we are, less that two weeks away from the release of 200. I can hardly believe it's been nearly two years since the introductions of Pembroke, Fairaza, Razzmatazz, and Orfas. All in one episode!

Episode 200 dominates my thinking as I wrap up this week. It's a serious podcasting milestone by just about any metric and we didn't want it to go by without having a proper celebration. So early this week, Troy and I hammered out the details for a release party to be hosted at the studio! It's going to be a stream unlike anything we've done before. Which is exciting of course, but also stressful for me. A new stream inevitably means new equipment. More cameras, more microphones, more wiring, and more Twitch assets. All things that have to be purchased or downloaded, set up, and tested before going live. And we don't have much time. I've ordered most of the new stuff we'll need and it should all be in the studio by tomorrow. Troy and I will be working this weekend to do at least some of the camera setups and test some new audio options. A week from today we leave for our live show at the Mission Theatrein Portland and we're coming back on a red eye Sunday into Monday, landing at JFK at 6:15am and going live at 9pm ET that night with the release party live stream. So we better get this all figured out before we leave for Portland! To watch these shenanigans live, go to https://www.twitch.tv/theglasscannon at 9pm ET on Monday, March 25th!

As for the party itself, I couldn't be more excited. Stress about A/V equipment and streaming aside, it's going to be a fantastic time. We've got a ton planned and some special guests coming, as well as just close friends of ours who may or may not even listen to the show. Ultimately, it's just an excuse for a party, and Troy and I have always been the type to jump at an opportunity to host a great party. You should have seen our fantasy football drafts back in the day. I'd get complaints from the entire block. Because of a DRAFT.


This week also saw the delivery and unboxing of Season 3 Bottlecaps! I've taken to writing it as one word: BOTTLECAP! Because that's how it sounds to me when we say it. It's incorrect, but there's no precedent for this particular usage of the word...or these two words if you want to get technical (shut up, Matthew). What do you guys think? Does the combined word bother you? Should we be correct in our spelling/grammar when it comes to 'caps!? 

Our eligible $15 and up Patrons will start seeing Season 3 bottlecaps hitting their mailboxes in short order! Some as early as next week or the week after. Skid and I will be in the office next week working to make sure that happens! I'll have another post soon...probably on our website...to credit the artists included in the start of this season's 'caps. We are finding more and more fantastic artists and illustrators right within Glass Cannon Nation. It's been awesome to send an email to an artist asking if we can use their work on Glass Cannon bottlecaps and just feel the excitement on the other end. It's a really fun part of my job. I'm never disappointed by the Naish. You guys are the best.

We shot passed $36k on the Patreon this week! You guys continue to amaze us. I attended a few livestreams with Patreon creators this week where we talked about a lot of different issues surrounding membership and podcasting. You guys are consistently mentioned among the top rungs of the Patreon leadership as a remarkable outlier in terms of loyalty. Our retention numbers are through the roof according to Patreon's metrics and I keep telling them it's because we are attracting the best people. Reliable people that have our back and each other's backs. It's a truly wonderful thing to be a part of, so thank you for doing what you can to help us break Patreon's confidence intervals and take their understanding of loyalty among members to a whole new level. I could go on about this, but it would seem like pandering, but I'm not kidding. I'm in meetings with other Patreon creators that talk about how the slightest glitch in the Patreon product will cause their members to drop their support. That doesn't happen on our end. That doesn't happen with the Naish. Thank you guys.

Speaking of support, we went over and supported the Order of the Amber Die guys on Patreon last week! Their content is incredible and has been a valuable resource for Troy running Giantslayer and for me with my Emerald Spire prep. I exchanged a few emails with Adam the GM this week and he and I will be meeting soon to discuss some GM tips and tools for use with the Emerald Spire campaign! I'm incredibly excited. We hung with Adam at PaizoCon last year in the Glass Cannon Room and he was terrific. Turns out he just lives about 45 minutes away from me, so...we're going to make it happen. More news on this story as it develops... 

Well, in the interest of not rambling, and shutting up before I mention the two things I've worked the most on this week that I'm not allowed to talk about, I'm cutting myself off. Though I hope you have some idea of what's been going on this past couple weeks. A few more tidbits that I didn't have time for: we've landed a new printer for our live show posters and they look amazing. Can't wait to unveil them in Portland! Season 3 Bottlecaps are not the only things that were delivered this week. There's been a merch store restock! Keep an eye out for updates on that front. Troy put in an incredible amount of work on the Patron map and it looks fantastic, I filed our New York State Sales Tax return (thrilling), I had some great convos with our $50 and up Patrons in Talk Nerdy to Me calls, I fell way behind in my #GCPGetFit goals, I started a Temple of Elemental Evil board game campaign with a buddy last night, my nephew got baptized, and my son Joe started standing on his own for up to 6-10 seconds at a time. My wife is devastated...they just grow up too fast.

Have a great weekend, team! See you in Portland!




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