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I've got a week in the books! While I may have actually started working on Glass Cannon full time on January 21st, we didn't post the announcement until this past Monday the 28th, so let's call this week my first week "in spirit" (or as that dummy Troy might say...my first week "technically"). I wanted to give you all just a brief look into what doing this full time has looked like since you are all responsible for making it happen!

It was a short week right out of the gate. We were flying out of Chicago on Monday and I was delayed over 6 hours getting out of O'Hare, Matthew and Grant didn't arrive home until 2am on Tuesday morning, and Skid didn't rest his gorgeous head down until 5am! Only one person out of the five of us checked in, flew out on time at 9am and was in his apartment in New York by 1pm Monday. Any guesses? Well, process of elimination will tell you that it was, of course, the neon green die of human begins: Troy Lavallee.

So with the whole team exhausted and/or jet-lagged (Troy is always exhausted because he has a six month old), we set to recording on Tuesday anyway. We were up against a deadline and utterly exhausted, but we got some really good stuff in there. Just need to edit out a few hours of utter nonsense, dead silence, and the occasional "Matthew...wake up...it's your action."

Most of the week, though, was getting the office in order. Making it a real place to work. In the time that I was there alone, I replaced the scratched-to-hell Home Depot folding table I was working on with a real desk, and I did a lot of work on our inventory to make grabbing orders and getting them out the door easier. I talked to new shipping carriers and worked on streamlining and improving our international shipping. I did a boatload of 2018 tax work. You have to understand...the deadlines for IRS form 1099 to go out is January 31st and...

Oh...I'm sorry, are you falling asleep? My bad. Moving on...

When Troy and I were in the office together, we got things done at a record pace. Conversations about merch or live shows or upcoming content, that normally would take weeks of emails, we finished in a matter of hours. It became clear right away how much more efficiently this operation will be running now. We left energized and with a boatload of new deadlines.

The end of my week (since it's February 1st) saw the start of Patreon Fulfillment work for March. Those of you that are due rewards in February have already gotten emails from me (check your email) and those that have fun stuff coming in March, should expect to get order forms from me next week! One of my early goals here it to make the experience of our subscribers one where you aren't chasing down rewards, but one where you get what you have earned on time with no mistakes. Some glitches might sneak through, but we've had a really long pre-season. I'm done with excuses. It's time to get professional. Literally.

Well, it's six o'clock on Friday. Thank god I can finally clock out of this bullshit job and get a pitcher with the boys. Nothin' works up a thirst like a week at the old actual-play factory. It's a hard job, but you all have forced me to do it. And I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you.

Have a great weekend, everyone! I'm psyched to play some Ruins of Azlant. What are you guys playing this weekend?



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