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Well, look what you've gone and done, you beautiful, supportive, kind and generous people. Because of you and your unflinching desire to see us succeed, you've forced Joe and me to make the Glass Cannon Network our FULL-TIME JOBS!

That's right! As of this month, January 2019, your old buddy Troy and the best dice roller this side of the Mason-Dixon Line, Joseph Pennyfeather O'Brien IV, are throwing caution to the wind, putting their lives and the livelihood of their families on the line and making the Glass Cannon Network their full-time occupations. No pressure.

What does that mean for you? Well, for the past four years, you've watched us grow from a single weekly podcast into a network of podcasts with live shows, convention appearances, a brand new website, a licensing deal with Paizo, a thriving Patreon, merchandise, livestreams and more. All of this was done with Joe working a full-time job that he's held for over 15 years—a job that he began when he moved to New York, where he rose through the ranks from a lowly assistant to the head of his department. Meanwhile, I have been working primarily as a freelance video editor and producer, having to be ready at a moment's notice to cover events all over New York until five in the morning or rushing out of town last minute for a few days, cancelling recordings at the 11th hour, putting us into a frenzy of recording "hand-to-mouth" to make sure we never missed a week.

With all that we've accomplished under the constraints of both of us putting in 100+ combined hours per week at other jobs, just imagine what we'll be able to do when all that time is put into the network!

From small changes like providing better customer service and being able to engage more actively with our Patreon subscribers to big changes like building the Glass Cannon Network into a competitive entertainment powerhouse, the sky's the limit EVEN with someone as cursed and incompetent as Joe by my side.

We have a lot of plans for the future, some of which even involve Matthew, so from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for giving us this dream opportunity to turn our passion into our occupation. You know what they say: do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life again. Well, now I get to go to an imagination factory every day with my best friend.

Time to get to work.




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