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Hello friends! Just a quick note to point out a Patreon change that has caused some confusion:

Patreon now allows us to post only to a specific tier (not just to that tier and above). It can be a useful tool when you have information that would only impact people at that tier and would serve to confuse Patrons at higher tiers. In the past, we would have to pull down the emails of everyone at a given tier and send a bcc email to all of them. This speeds up our process and gives us a fun and effective way to communicate.

Unfortunately, Patreon's implementation of this new idea was flawed in that they kept the same wording on the posts that would be there if you hadn't pledged enough. "Unlock this post by becoming a $15 Patron". That's a poor choice of words. The post isn't locked - it's not a great secret that you have to pay for - it's simply a logistical update for Patrons at that tier only.

We spoke directly with Patreon the day after our first tier-specific post went up to explain why it confused Patrons at higher tiers and they are looking into changing how they are displayed. Going forward, you never have to worry if a post below your tier appears locked. That's intentional and there's nothing wrong with your account. If we ever utilize this option again (unlikely), we'll make sure to make a public note along with the post that identifies it as simply a tier-specific logistical update.

Happy Holidays!


Dave Trachtenberg

Hi Ben, curious if you mean the most recent RotLC episode, or the whole Patreon content podcast feed as a whole? Best advice could give would be the copy and paste the link into the discover bar for your podcast server of choice (for me Pocket Casts), and it came up right away.

Rachel or Jesse

Ben, me too. Trying to figure out how to get 26 to show up in my unique feed.