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The Patreon map has FINALLY been updated. Sorry for the delay folks but updating this map is a pain in the Ashpeak. It takes a solid four to five hours to do every time because the map program sucks Barron's nuts. As I'm sure you can understand, with fifty episodes to produce and edit every week, I have had to push the Patreon map to the back burner since I don't trust any of the other peabrains to do it correctly. BUT it is now all updated for your viewing pleasure. Just click the image above to check it out. You can now also search by city, state and zip!

A couple of important things:

1. If you submitted your info via the google form, you're on the map. You may have trouble finding yourself, but trust me, you're on there. If you tell me you're not on there and I find you, you will be publicly shamed. As is tradition.

2. What's that you say?! You haven't filled out the google form yet? Well now's your chance! Please don't fill it out twice though or again if you already did. goo.gl/forms/InbF3xZggg8q1KmD3

3. The google form is the only way to get on the map. Not an email, not a patreon message, not a facebook message, not a carrier pigeon, not a response to this post or any other post. You gots to fill out the form.

4. IF, however, you'd like your information changed because you moved, you wanna change your name or you don't like that you're one of 54 Michaels, please reply to this post OR send us a private message here on Patreon and it will be changed by the next update.

5. This map is getting ridiculous! Look how many people are on there and only HALF of our Patreon supporters have even filled out the form! We love you guys. Thank you for everything you do to help us grow this network.



Patreon | The Glass Cannon Network

Become a subscriber of the Network at our Patreon page: http://www.patreon.com/glasscannon You can help us unlock goals for the future while unlocking exclusive rewards for yourself!


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