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I hope everyone is enjoying the shiny new Patreon map! It's been a work in progress as we've had to update the whole process of processing the data, but hopefully you think it's been worth the wait.

If you'd like to be included on our Patreon supporter map and don't see your name yet, just click on the link below, fill out the form and we'll get you up there next month: goo.gl/forms/InbF3xZggg8q1KmD3

VERY IMPORTANT: If you need your information changed or updated, just send us a message here on Patreon or leave it in the comments below and we'll fix it. Don't send an email, facebook message or tweet at us. Private message or reply below.

Thanks for all the love. If you want to connect with someone near you, shout them out below! I wanna know who the first GCP Patreon marriage will be. You know it's going to happen!



Patreon | The Glass Cannon Podcast

Become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: http://www.patreon.com/glasscannon You can help us unlock goals for the future while unlocking fun GCP exclusive rewards for yourself! You will...


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