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Hey everyone! After a HUGE month chock full of new Patreon supporters, #GCPNation is taking over the world!!

If you'd like to be included on our Patreon supporter map, just click on this link and fill out the form: goo.gl/forms/InbF3xZggg8q1KmD3

As we prepare to launch the new website, I had to redo this whole thing from scratch, so PLEASE let me know if your address is wrong, you want to change your name as it appears, or whatever you need! Either respond in the comments below or send a message through the Patreon and I'll get it fixed ASAP. Sorry if anyone's info got changed. I need an intern.

Thank you for all your continued support. Be sure to reach out to fellow GCP fans near you, meet up and make love to each other. Or just start a gaming group with them. Whatever floats your boat!




Matthew WM

I can't wait for the next map update so I can see my spot on the map. It looks like there are 2 players about a half hour north of me and 2 more about an hour south of me. Hopefully the next map will reveal more Cannonites in my area.

Caitlin Roehl

Love seeing all the PNW Cannonites 🤩