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Please enjoy the first of hopefully many episodes to come and thank you for making bonus content like this possible with your generosity and support!



Joe's mechanic for Bottlecaps is not a good mechanic. Tension and drama in an RPG should be diagetic. They should arise from events in the setting. They should not be introduced from non-diagetic sources: such as decisions about finessing dice rolls: "Should I re-roll or not?" Don't make players focus on dice mechanics. Let them focus on the monsters!


A great episode. But ugh, Troy had a bad habit of 'humorously' renaming PCs + NPCs in these early sessions. A cheap power-play that would immediately be shot down in a normal game.


But to give him credit, Troy never does this again. One of GCN's strengths is their ability to ruthlessly self-correct. On the rare occasions when some little thing goes wrong, or a joke doesn't land, they fix it.