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Welcome to the Glass Cannon Pathfinder Society! Coming to you today is Episode Zero of a brand new exclusive ongoing show soon to be available to our Patreon supporters at the $5 reward tier and up. Today's Episode Zero is completely FREE to everyone though to whet your nerdy little appetites and get you excited for this new project.

Starting next week, we'll dive straight into the action featuring a new Glass Cannon GM atop the ivory throne and five brand new characters. Wait, five characters?! How can that be?! All those questions and more will be answered in Episode 0!

If you like what you hear and want to hear more, be sure to pledge at least $5 per month to gain access to this new content and all the bonus content that we ever release exclusively on the Patreon. Thank you so much to all of you who have supported us thus far, allowing us to make side projects like this happen. Every day, we're getting closer to that $10,000 goal and a brand new weekly second podcast. Help put us over the top and someday you'll have more GCP than you know what to do with!



Good on you Joe!! Can't wait to see all those npc monsters you roll natural 1's for take care of themselves for the party lol

Lennart Steinke

I have listened to episode zero three or four times already. The characters sound so awesome, and dang... does that cinematic intro at the end raise tension... can hardly wait....