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So, her base moveset is complete.  All roughs of course.  We might throw  in some more moves later for flash/alternatives, but they aren't needed for base functionality.   I have to go back over all the art now and make sure the model is the same on all frames, ink, add details, clothes and of course color. As it is now, her height, bust, legs and well everything can change depending on the move because I was uncertain of her frame.   We are still tweaking a few things such as frame skips along with horizontal and vertical speed application to each attack and such.  We are starting to incorporate more enemies now too, besides longneck. (the enemy she's juggling).   I do believe at the rate we're progressing at now, updates will be more frequent, with things other than my personal juggling videos. (i have put at least 100 hours in just juggling longneck, lol). I'll eventually show ground combat too. We've planned out some menus/upgrades/items along with some possible mini games..?   Although not scope creep, it may have been too ambitious. we'll see.   We're still debating at what stage to get the thing in peoples hands.  I'd like to get it there now, just to get some feedback on what we have.  But it is currently ugly and there is concern over tainting peoples first impressions. Although I suppose sharing juggle videos is doing that already. But I have faith people understand it's under construction.  Anyways, it's back to progressing pretty rapidly.  I look forward to showing more!


Good combo for showing.mp4

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Classical Salamander

This is amazing! What a lot of work, but totally worth it :D