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So. SO so so. The game.  The combat system is pretty much up and running.  There are still a few bugs in it and more to come for sure, especially as we introduce more enemies, but it's playing pretty well.  I've spent probably 100 hours of playtesting and it's kind of a cumulation of things I've wanted in a game for a while. Which doesn't mean anything! I'm most likely biased and have strange taste.   That being said, it's time I move into the final phase of actually finishing animations!  for some reason, I never thought it would make it this far.  but hell, it's happening.  I have lots of videos showcasing gameplay, but my programmerfriend  says I need to do finished art before presenting it to the world and I suppose he's right! lol I mean, the backgrounds are currently unfinished jpgs that are super pixelated. so I suppose it makes sense, lol. but it's at the point where as soon as I finish something, we can drop it in there pretty easily.  Anyways, as soon as I finish her animations, a few enemies animations, some hit effects, some home made sfx and I pay someone on fivver to make me a piece of music, I think we'll have a trailer.  With that said, we believe we will have a trailer sometime in May. :o  that's not taking into consideration any unseen problems.  I can't devote all my time to the game as I still have obligations to keep with Dan Mendoza, Soccer game, and of course the Swegabes!  And I still want to get out a page or two of intergalactic out. But, I don't take a lot of time off, so I think May is still a reasonable goal. 



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