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So what is up!?

Soccer game!? As far as I know, I'm about 2 weeks from finishing the soccer game art.  Around 70 something pieces in about a month and a half.  I didn't color them, but I did the sketch, the ink and layed down some sketchy monochromatic shades.  But damn, I'm kind of tired.  Hopefully I'll be able to share my art once the game goes live.  I believe they are launching in 3 months or so. I personally don't have a specific date, so don't quote me on that, lol.         

progress- nearly finished. 

My game!?  the animation above is from my game.  It's actually going surprisingly well, still.  I feel like I just talked about it, but it's come even further.  Eyeballing a voice actress, lining up some people on fivver for the music. I'm starting to go in and flesh out some of her animations on my second pass.  (this isn't one). I really want to show those off, but they are spoiler-ish I suppose and I've been asked not to by my more level headed programmer.   but, we are working on visual interfaces/menus and the juggles are real. both on her chest and in the air.  

Progress - hard to say.  the core concepts are in place and now it's a lot of grunt work.   Hoping  on getting a early access release later this year.  I believe that's reasonable but I have no clue as It's my first time making a game that's my own.  So it's hard to estimate.  but I think the concept  is simple enough and shouldn't take too much longer? brainn fizzleess

Swegabe Opala game!?  Well, once I finish the soccer stuff, that will open back up the regularly scheduled products.  Swegabe animations, character arts and a comic.  This will probably be my main focus in the coming months.  besides my game.  

Progress-done with almost everything that I know about except around 9 animations and a comic.  Which I'm going to try to finish in the next 5 months. 

Salty Revenge comic!?  Welp, that commission comic is actually very close to being done.  2 more pages and it will be complete!  it's a nice feeling. fun comic to draw. :)  

Progress -basically complete.

Intergalactic comic!?  I created a product that could go on for a very long time, when I wasn't allowing myself to dream.  If my game making career takes off like I suspect it does, I'm not sure what I'll do with this.  I'd like to bring it to a natural conclusion, but I'm not sure how to bring something with such a open format to a conclusion that feels earned.  So I think it'll just be something I do to have fun with.  I'll just keep introducing girls and having them fight and such.  I probably should at least work toward the conclusion of the current story arc of the blue collar princess. 

Progress- 1% to 70%.  To tie up the story or to just drawing goofy stuff, that is the question.

Mila comics!? Mila has a definite ending but it was planned out to be a more focused story. The current comic still has around 3-4 pages left which I really need to continue soon. 

Progress - 60 ish percent.  I believe I could end it in a few more comics. 

Sugar pop 2!? That's right, I'm also working on sugar pop 2.   The art for sugar pop 2 doesn't have to be done until sometime in march though, so I have a pretty decent window. 

Progres - 0 percent.  haven't started.

Time stop...!??!?!  I have one more comic of timestop to do.. after several years of forgetting about it.  Cutepet has asked me to finish up the comic however and I would like to tie up most everything I've started.   

Progress - 90 percent overall.  I've found around 12 pages of sketches that I had layed out for the final comic and it probably needs around 20 more or so. It won't wrap the story up in a tidy bow as this was one of my first comics and it was chaotic. I'm not sure I could fix it, lol. 

so I won't be starting anything new for some time.  



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