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Characters  for a new comic idea I've been throwing around in my head.  

What's it about?

 In the future, many alien races have converged together.  Somehow miraculously being amazingly tolerant and just getting along for the most part! Everyone was vastly different  from one  another other than their women being generally comparably hot.  BUT, they had something else in common... Martial arts! in the future somehow! it still exists!

A popular hypernet TubeYouer seen this and began to formulate a plan for a business model that involved aliens punching one another.   Each bringing their own form of martial or mental art was somehow, not enough for him though.  All of a sudden, an idea came to him.. "What if once a contestant lost.. the victor could humiliate them in any way they please!? Of course I'll have to put that in the contract!  Man, I'm hungry.. maybe I should order some take out".  The later portion of his thought, not so important.  In a few months, the idea took off and the "Turbo Sexy Alien Punching tournament edition" exploded onto the scene, just with a different name because who names stuff like that?  eendd

Of course the book would be 100 percent focused on the girls fighting, lol. They would also most likely be parody characters. 



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