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Just a few words.

Sure, sex is great, but have you ever gone enemies to lovers to enemies, your sword pressed against their throat, wishing you could surrender your blade and press your lips there instead, begging any god that listens to wipe the fury and sadness from their eyes... and from yours?

Have you ever dreamed of their smile in your nightmares, given yourself over to their embrace even as you knew what fires it would ignite, both with yourselves and in the world, lost yourself in their eyes and wondered of day beyond this one, ones worth death, risks worth taking?

Have you ever cried out in anger, pushing down, firmly, quickly, finally, with your blade severing your ties to those possible pasts, screaming as you finished what you started and ended what they created within you, tears flowing as it dawns on you how meaningless it was?

Have you ever wept over the only one that truly mattered to you, your equal, your opposite, your sharpening steel, as you're congratulated by those who pushed you here, those who drove your hand to slay when all it ever wanted was to hold, to caress, to rest in theirs?

Have you ever set out to burn the life that denied you the only true thing you ever found, held their name in your mind as you began burning, cleansing, avenging, razing the universe to ash, hoping only that it may be reborn, and in the cosmic phoenix flames, they may again live?

Sure, sex is great, but have you ever truly lost someone? Have you ever felt the pang of their silence? Have you ever wept their name, tasting the bitter wrath of their absence? Have you given your all and lost all that mattered?

Sure, sex is great, but have you loved?


Trekkie Monster

Are you okay? After reading that, I'm sure as hell not. It's beautiful and horrible and tragic and oh so dramatic in a very you way. Thank you (genuine).