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I think this is the 15th monster I've filled full of bees. I went through the Monster Manual and looked at all of the creatures that could bee bee-ified and there's about 45 total. I could do more but some of them aren't that interesting. Anything you'd like to see mixed with bees?



Thomas Halpin

I want the full range of classic slimes full of bees. Cube, Black Pudding, you name it. I have to imagine that the art for the Cube in particular could potentially be really stunning.


Just so we're clear: I back you for the bees. So my first answer is "All." But I know that's not helpful so here are five things: Gobeelins Owlbeear Bee Naga Shambeeling Mound Beeholder


Gelatinous Cube Full of Bees! Like fruit in aspic!