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It's finally here! I've been plinking away at this one for quite some time. Mewtwo was one that we had to do something special for. It couldn't be quite the same as the other legendary Diremon. I had a lot of fun writing it, though it was also a heck of a challenge to make something that lived up to the Mewtwo hype. Lluis even redid the art as he wasn't pleased with the original.

Hope you enjoy this one. The next few Diremon should be quicker, as they're not nearly as big. This will allow us to make Volume 4 of the Diremon now, which will be fun. Anything you would like to see in that volume? 

Thanks for your continued support!





I am so excited to use ALL of these at some point in my campaigns

Kaidan Redgrave

One of my players wants a serious campaign. Everyone else is Monty Python. I'm going to run this and not give it a name to see who clues in.