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You wanted more DOOM enemies, right? I thought so! 

While making these I was pondering how to make DOOM enemies more interesting, because these two are cool but very much just big meat shields. The balance between being true to the source and making an interesting monster is a hard balance. It gets even weirder when you consider that Cacodemons were based off Beholders AND the art for an Astral Dreadnought. But despite that origin, they basically just shoot balls of electricity at you.

So I thought of a way to do both. DOOM RPG I & II had enemy variants that were just recolored sprites of the originals. I figured those would be fun to use to really change up the mechanics. That way you can have the originals and get real weird too. 

Ive also been making some of these because they make great Retroverse fodder enemies but because of legal reasons I could never put them in the game. Well, I could with some name and ability changes, but this is more fun to me. While I like taking inspiration from all over, I don't want the Retroverse to just be other people's ideas with a different coat of paint. 

Also, DOOM levels make great dungeons. Have fun with that. 



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