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Road to Zordon 4

This is the continuation of a series where I intend to catalogue my journey to becoming a Power Ranger. It will be silly, it will be personal, and it will not likely be glamorous, but I hope you enjoy the ride either way. If you like it, consider throwing a dollar my way to help continue this adventure!

Been a while since I’ve updated but that does not mean I’ve stopped. In fact, it means that I’ve been busy continuing on this journey. Today I’d like to touch on three major things: The workout, training kids, and the upcoming test. So, lets dive in, but like, in a really cool dramatic dive where it looks like we’re flying. Because Power Rangers.

I’ve finally gotten a good workout routine set up. Working with a friend of mine, who has been weight training for years, he helped me come up with something that’s a good full body workout. I’ve tried to find good videos to go along with the moves so that you can try at home yourself. I do these workouts with a 20 lb. kettlebell (the weird ball with the handle) and I’d suggest getting that type of weight as well. The only other thing you need is some space and about an hour of your time, three times a week. You’ve got 3 hours to spare this week! (Seriously though, take it easy. This nearly killed me the first time I tried it.)

Power Rangers Workout 

I’ve been doing this set regularly (and editing it slightly into what you see today) for close to two months now. It’s taken about that long to see results, but they are there. I’ve always been a pretty trim fella, so I didn’t have much to lose before things started showing. I am by no means beefy now, but there has been a noticeable improvement. It’s also worth noting that I have increased my protein intake on workout days by around 50 grams. I’m a vegetarian so I have to actively seek out extra protein to maintain this. I didn’t really start out trying to gain muscle but it’s very encouraging to see this actually work. I’ll probably be editing this for the next few months into the perfect Power Rangers workout, but this is where it is for now. 

So on to the next thing!

I was invited to help in some self-defense training for elementary school kids recently! We had two classes of about 20 students each, divided into boys and girls. It was a blast. Some of the kids seemed to think they were One Punch Man incarnate, and others were too afraid to even punch the training mats. It was fun helping these kids bring those two ideas closer to the middle. By the end of each class we had the kids break some smaller boards. There’s not much to speak on about what we taught them, it as just basic knees and palm strikes, but standing in front of them, even in my yellow belt, and teaching them was an awesome experience. It made me feel like a hero.

The final thing we’re going to touch on, is the upcoming test. In a few days I will be standing in front of “the masters” (I guess they don’t have names until we meet them) and double testing for my green belt. I am pretty nervous about this, especially because I will have to perform everything I’ve learned up to this moment here. There’s a surprising number of moves, patterns, and basic motions to remember, even just going for a green belt! I’ve been doing my best to train regularly but carving out more time isn’t always easy. Adding to my anxiety I recently found out my footwork was far sloppier than I previously thought. I have to assure myself that it will be fine, and even if I fail, at least I learned something. We will see, and I’ll have a report back as soon as I know!

That’s really all I have today. I know I’ve been silent for a while on these large posts. If you want more consistent updates, follow me on twitter (@snickeslox) or search for #RoadToZordon. 

May the Power Protect You!



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