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This isn't a chapter, but go take a look at chapter 92 released just a minute ago!


Now, I'm looking for input on a name for a certain ship ...

Or is it really a spoiler?  People have been expecting it since chapter 12 ...

So Chekhov's ship is going to FINALLY come back into play!  That's right, Domenic is going to go back to the Wind Runner!

Now, a mechanic I've used in Seaborn is having ships Domenic claims be renamed; sometimes with sinister sounding names but that was primarily in the darker phase of the book (that downward-spiral-which-shall-not-be-named-but-shall-be-rewritten...eventually).  Other names (e.g. Dark Raven, Internment) aren't necessarily evil-sounding but are still intense.

I have no idea what the Wind Runner should be renamed.

Okay, I've got ideas, but I don't like them.  So please, go to the comments and give me your best ideas!  In return, I'll give you praise, credit, you'll have the satisfaction of reading a name that doesn't suck, and best of all: you won't be stuck waiting while I try to get my mind over this roadblock! :)


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