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I want to apologize for not having a chapter posted, and alerting you of a “post” with this update that’s not a satisfying chapter.

I experienced an unexpected family tragedy this last week, and I’m sure you understand that the result was less time devoted to writing then I normally allot. I will try to reclaim my 3 chapter lead on RR posts, but I want to manage expectations at the same time. I will get a chapter out in this next week, and aim to have the 3 chapter lead restored by the end of the month.

I appreciate your patience and support!



Completely understandable I'm sure no one with a conscience will hold it against you.


Take as much time as needed, family comes first.

Lictor Magnus

I appreciate the post. Family comes first. We’ll be here when you start writing again.


Good luck.

Framing Device

For what it’s worth, if it takes longer, and that’s a big if, then the backlog lasts to a good, local stopping point, which may not be much, but it’s something. Also, it’s for exactly this reason that you keep a backlog, at least for the public feed, that you can deal with unexpected events and emergencies.


Take care of yourself and your family first. Everything else comes second to that.