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Hey fam! I know it’s been a minute and it’s been a minute since I’ve drawn anything too or updated you but here’s why... Lately I’ve been feeling distant from my art..I got too caught up in social media and comparing my art and ended up trying to make my art something it’s not. 

I just knew that wasn’t who I was and I decided I needed a break from seeing what everyone else is doing and creating, so I can get back to creating the way I always have…not for an algorithm or to keep up with everyone…but for me because I genuinely and truely love it!

Recently God has put it on my heart to Seek Peace and Pursue it , and I knew the first thing I needed to do was to stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Don’t get me wrong it’s great be inspired but not to the point where you lose yourself and your love for what your are doing in the process.

Recently I started muting everyone I was following to have a fresh point of view to start seeing things clearly and to get back to focusing on what God has called me to do. I noticed an immediate difference more of a peace of mind whenever I’m on social media instead of feeling behind, but even still I try to stay off as much as I can but it really helps so I don’t get distracted or caught up every time I want to post.

I wanted to tell you all this because I think it’s great to be vulnerable and raw and real with you all because maybe you can relate ? 

When I first started off sharing my art on social media I was only focused on what I was doing and I would like to get back to that so I can be able to create consistently for myself and  you all like I would like too 💗 

Im still healing  but everyday and in every way I am getting better and I starting making a lil bit of progress by remembering to not give up on the talent God has blessed me with 🙏🏽✨💗

I love you all so much and I appreciate your support to infinity and beyond 💫💗🙏🏽

and also don’t worry you will still get the clothing tutorial this month too Sueshii Rolls 🥰

Peace✌🏽 Love 💗  & God Bless🙏🏽



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