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Howdy everyone!

This week, we're giving our talented artists a well-deserved breather after the intense art of the most recent pages. This pause presents the perfect opportunity to give you an exclusive sneak peek into my upcoming Annihilator Dossier book!

For those who might need a refresher, The Annihilator Dossier is the final piece that I've needed to complete from my previous Kickstarter. It's a pivotal step before launching the next Kickstarter later this year – for the much-anticipated Volumes 2 and 3 of the Engaging the Enemy arc! The Dossier, designed as a top-secret government file, reveals intriguing details about that notorious supervillain from our first TYP story arc, Mr. Duncan Wells aka The Annihilator. It's been a challenging journey to bring this new book to life, but I'm really pleased with how it's coming together.

You might recall the story timeline from the Dossier that I shared earlier in a much larger update. Now, my focus, alongside our ace book designer Paul Sizer, is on finalizing all the design elements for the book. And one of the highlights we're wrapping up is an "exclusive" magazine interview given by The Annihilator, where I really get a chance to get creative and bring in the fun!

Let me give you a quick glimpse of what we've been crafting.

First, here's the magazine cover for the May 2010 edition of Voodoo Child (my world's version of Rolling Stone magazine.) We did our best to capture the essence of that era's style and tone.  The words are, of course, my own. The art of The Annihilator is by our main team, Adam DeKraker and Veronica Gandini. And I think Paul Sizer did an amazing job with its layout and design:

Next, for the interview's introductory pages, Paul incorporated one of Silverjow's awesome pin-ups that I had previously commissioned for y'all. 

I'm over-the-moon with how that came out, too:

(If you squint, you might even be able to make out some of the text for the interview that I wrote...)

There are still a few more i's to dot and t's to cross before we cross the finish line, but Paul and I are now super close to wrapping up the design of this book. After literally years of working on it, it's definitely exciting for me to finally see the finish line in sight for this project!

But what do y'all think? Do you like what you see? (Oh, and do you like getting sneak previews like this?)

Please let me know in the comments. (And please don't share these images with anyone. The book is still in progress, and this is meant to be an exclusive just for awesome Patrons like you!)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. I literally wouldn't be able to do any of this without you. You're the ones who make this comic possible, and you are awesome. :)

More soon!



Malik M.L. Williams

Why squint when you can zoom? Loving the pages so far…


Reminding me how much I loved that storyline. Can't wait to see this one!