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(Click here to read this page as it was intended to be read — on my webcomics site!)

It kinda sounds like that’s what he’s saying, doesn’t it?

Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.

You can talk about this page at The Young Protectors Community here. 

Link to preview page (page 173) for $5+ Patrons:



The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And we had 11 new folks sign up over the past 2 weeks! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!

Artu y Memo ZM, DuckyAndBinx, Phil, Bernd B., Javier F., Robert F., David H., Shelby H., Thomas H., Mark N. and Carlos S.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Artu y Memo ZM, DuckyAndBinx, Phil, Bernd, Javier, Robert, David, Shelby, Thomas, Mark and Carlos!

And let’s also please thank totally awesome readers who were already Patrons, but who upped their pledge this week:

Chuck T. and Michael W.

(Thank you so much, Chuck and Michael!)

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!


So! Spooky thinks Flyboy might get a chance to restore the timeline to what it was before. Completely and totally.

Is that really true? Why does he think that? Why does he think that Flyboy needs to know that? And how does it change things?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀




Buzz Kill. The art is great but there is a lot of pain on this page.


I don't know... I see it more that Spooky is being pragmatic and trying to persuade Flyboy that they may as well have as much fun as they wish now, as it probably won't affect the distant future.


I'm thinking wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff means it's very likely Flyboy is actually in kind of a parallel-dimension type thing where he could hop back into his timeline and it would be the same while this dimension is the one that reflects changes


That's sort of what I'm thinking now. Flyboy returns to his own timeline while this parallel world goes it's own way.