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Something tells me that Amanda isn’t the only one not on the “bring-middle-schoolers-to-an-apocalyptic-hell-battle” train…

Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.

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Link to preview page (page 105) for $5+ Patrons:



The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And we had 5 new folks sign up over this week! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!

Meredith, Terrel, Zoneri, Jeremy E. David P.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Meredith, Terrel, Zoneri, Jeremy and David! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!


So! Looks like nobody’s sugarcoating nothing!

How will Young Kyle and Young Paul react now that they know what they are up against? And is there a way for Mitch to get everyone on the same page?

Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! :D




Young Kyle and Young Paul react to this with some bewilderment, but I'm sure Mitch has a good plan.


Their faces in panel four! 😸