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Howdy Everyone!

So, I'm always on the lookout for new artists to work with in the hopes of creating awesome rewards for y'all, and I now have some new The Young Protectors art I can share with you.

The first pin-up is by artist Silverjow, and I asked him to create an attractive, SFW image of water-bender Tsunami. You can see a preview above of what he came up with,  and I think it's just beautiful. I love the water, the expression, the pose, just everything. :)

You can download a Safe-For-Work, mobile wallpaper of the full image here:


The second artist I worked with is Avenger's penciler Stephen Sadowski, whom Adam DeKraker put me in touch with. (The colors for his pin-up are by our own awesome Alex Sollazzo.) 

Before I show Stephen's art with you, let me share the story behind it. Stephen was one of the first artists I worked with on the Trading Card pin-ups (he did the linework for  Kyle's Powers Card art), but he's been so busy with his professional commitments, we never got a chance to work together again. Some time ago, y'all voted for me to create a pairing image involving Kyle and Spooky that was supposed to be "extra-spicy", meaning more NSFW than I've ever done before. Alas, the original artist I had booked for that project fell off the planet before the piece was finished. But while I was looking for a new artist to start again on that, Stephen suddenly reached out to me to let me know he was available for work. I asked him if he'd be up for creating a super-NSFW pin-up involving our characters, and he said yes.

And thus the Spooky-Kyle Steam Room pin-up was born!

Before you click to see it, though, let me warn you: the link is VERY NSFW. Don't click unless you're cool with that.




That is indeed... steamy...

So, those are two new pin-ups by two new artists! :) Do you like what you see? Should I commission more pin-ups from them? Out of the two of them, is there a pin-up you particularly love? If so, please let me know in the comments! (and also please let me know what you love about it.)

Also, $10+ Patrons for June will be sent links to high-res versions of both of these pin-ups with over twice the resolution on August 10th,  so be on look out for that, too. :)

Anyway, I wanted to say again how grateful I am to all of you. I wouldn't be able to make The Young Protectors without your help. Your support makes a huge difference in my life, and so I think you all are total superheroes.

More soon!





Of the two, I like Silverjow's better because it has more of a realistic look to it. The other is more cartoon like, more one dimensional. Thanks for your work!


Ok, that Tsunami one is just delicious. I mean wow!! And who knew that Spooky was so handsy. :P Love it!


Both are great but Tsunami is fantastic!


Holy crap!!! Those are both amazing works of art. Good thing Tsunami is surrounded by water, because I'll need that to cool myself down!


I think some people might be slightly disappointed that "extra spicy" doesn't mean "extra spicy and showing full physical contact" 😜 but I really like the scenario that you and Stephen created, it could almost be canon. Almost...but they're a little too into each other I think haha. And Silverjow's Tsunami is gorgeous!!!~~~


wow two new amazing pieces or art right there :D I personally prefer the Tsunami one but both are awesome! In Tsunami's art I really like the colouring and shading! The water as well as his skin! In the sauna one (love the idea) I actually like Spooky's ghost hands the most xD I might be just jealous of them though Alex S.'s colours are also great as ever! I guess the lineart just doesn't hit me as nice personally, it's mainly the deviation of their faces from the original though! The rest is reaaaaally nice ^^ And the scene itself is so funny :D You see they're really having fun, even though it's quite "steamy" indeed ^^


That Tsunami is really sexy. I'm not that into guys where muscles are THIS chiseled, but art is gorgeous. I quite like Stephen's power cart art, but don't think he got away as well with with Kyle and Spooky's face in this very spicy image. I think Karen and Nadin said it well. Doesn't mean I don't like it. It's indeed very spicy and sexy. I like them fooling around in such a very typical Spooky way. Aaaand that 'thing' that is hard to miss - really, really hard.. XD Holy moly. Bow-dicka-wow-wow!


Both of these pieces of art are really wonderful. I especially love the Tsunami one. The sunlight reflection and colors are wonderful. I love the detail in the facial expression. And the nuanced , subtle, erotic bathing suit (and what its hiding) are genius.


I am loving the Tsunami pin-up. Definitely my taste. The Kyle/Spooky painting is super fun, but doesn't feel all that sexy? Granted, those are two totally different things and nsfw doesn't have to mean sexy. I like it either way, really


SFW my lily white buttocks. This is AWESOME. Thank you so much Alex. I may occasionaly be cranky with our confudled TSU, but this image is pure delish. Thanks to all the artists involved and to you for making it happen.


Okay I have highly articulate thing to say about Spooky and Kyle... Grndrglrsfuuslebecktsorsanaaaaaahgh. OMG is that yummy. Thank you for that too. If I'm posting things in the wrong places... I blame you for putting me in a fizzz... LOL. Thank you so much.


Back to look at both art pieces. They really are yummy. Love the playful moment between Spooky and Kyle. There's many good things you can do with a bit of magic ;)


Glad you like the Spooky-Kyle scenario -- and maybe we'll just have to see about having a little more physical contact next time. Y'know, if there's interest. ;)


Glad you like both the pin-ups, Nadin! And yep, I agree about the faces in the Spooky-Kyle lineart. While I do offer guidance to have the artists keep the characters on-model, every artist is going to give their own unique take on each character, and for me, I connect a bit more with Silverjow's interpretation of Tsunami here. But I'm very glad you like the scene. And they are definitely both having a lot of fun!


Thank you, Lee. Yep, I really love all the nuances that Silverjow included in the pin-up. Even though it's "Safe for Work", there's so much eye candy to look at, I've found myself staring at it for long periods of time. :)


Glad to hear you're loving the Tsunami pin-up, Passthecass! It does seem like folks are really liking Silverjow's work here. :)


Yay! So glad you like the Tsunami pin-up, Chris! And, in my experience, delish can go a long way to smooth over crankiness... ;)

Hours Left

You always collab with such amazing artists! I'm a huge fan of Silverjow, and this Tsunami piece is incredible! And what can I say about the Sadowski/Sollazzo piece other than YES PLEASE. Really outstanding works. :D

Thomas Polk

Thanks, Alex, for engaging Silverjow, one of my favorite artists. I follow him on DeviantArt, Facebook and wherever else! I like Sadowski very much but I think his Kyle fiery pin-up card was a better render. Spooky looks natural in this sauna scene but Kyle's lines and posture seem awkwardly rendered.


You're welcome, Thomas. :) I've definitely become a fan of Silverjow's work too,. And based on these comments, I think getting another pin-up from him would be a good choice. :)


My, my, my! This art is divine. You clearly have a way with choosing artists to commission, though I do agree with the past comments that Sadowski's rendition doesn't quite match the way the characters have been rendered in the comic. I'd be very interested to see them take the reins again for other pinup ideas you have bubbling in your mind.


The Tsunami artwork is stunning. The colours and the shine of the water plus this god of a guy! Just wow! :P