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Hey y'all!

As you know, I wouldn't be able to make this comic if it weren't for the very generous support of Patrons like you. I am so grateful to each and every one of you. You make it possible not just to keep this comic going, but also available for free to those young people who aren't able to support at this time. Y'all rock!

And there are some readers who continuously give an extraordinary level of support -- $25 or more -- month after month, which makes a big difference in my ability to continue telling these stories. As a way to show my appreciation, way back when I started with Patreon, I created a special top-level page on my webcomics site to give those readers extra-special recognition -- the Leaderboard of Awesomeness. :)

These Patrons were only added if they wanted to be, and highlighting those names felt like a nice gesture.

But when I was moving our webcomics site to its new domain at youngprotectors.com, I realized that the page I had created looked a bit... underwhelming. There was no color and the design was so "five years ago." (Which makes sense, because that's when I launched the Patreon!)

So, I've gave it a big make-over and here are the results:


If you get a chance, please let me know what you think. :) 

A Question

One thing I'm on the fence about is whether to include the actual dollar amounts needed to become a Gold or Silver Patron on this page. My instincts were not to include that, but I don't have a very clear reason why not, and an argument could be made that including that information might make the benefit more clear to new Patrons. What do y'all think I should do?

And An Even Bigger Question

Finally, I know from my surveys that, while the benefits I offer are nice, the vast majority of you are here primarily to support my work. But I'm always trying to find new and better ways to show my appreciation to y'all. 

Please let me know if there is anything you're looking for that would make the experience of being with me here on Patreon something that feels even more awesome. I want this to be a special experience for all of you. And I'll do whatever I can to make it happen. :)

Thank you for being such superheroes!


P.S. My next Web site project is a big refresh of the Patreon Rewards FAQ (  http://amwcomics.com/patreon-rewards/  -- which could also use some real, visual improvement. I'm currently creating a brand new page and I'm about 80% of the way there with it. And it looks much, much better. Stay tuned! 




Great work with the leader board, Alex! It's got a great interface, easy to read and understand. I agree that it wouldn't hurt to put the dollar amounts by the levels, just for understanding by all. It's not like you'd be listing the individual patron's dollar amount, which should mitigate privacy concerns. A suggestion: one of the first things I thought when looking at the page was "is that all?" --> in the sense of, "surely there are more patrons giving at this level, aren't there?" I know people may not have responded about being put on this leader board or chosen not to, and those desires are well respected by you. But. But...is there a way you could put a parenthetical total that gives some indication of how many others not named there are? Does that seem weird? I know it may not be possible or practical for a lot of reasons, but I also like the sense of "50 people give at the silver level, and here are a dozen of them". I know you know the totals, as you should, and there's no reason we should be privy to this information, but I'll admit to being very curious how many compatriots there really were giving with me. I want the number to be legion!! :)


Hey Adam! Glad you like what you see (and thank you so much for your extraordinary support!) Good to hear that you think I should include the dollar amounts. I'll look into doing that. As for the number of people on it, I only wanted to include folks if they wanted me to, and you're right, there are a bunch of folks who haven't responded to my emails about being added. And it's actually not easy for me to pull the full number. It used to be -- Patreon used to include the number of people at each Tier right on the home page for all to see. And then, I suppose in response to some testing, they stopped. I tried to push back on that decision, but they didn't budge. So, I can look into trying to find that out, but I'll have to think about whether there is an attractive and clear way to include it without it being confusing. I totally understand your curiosity, though. I'll look into it. :) Thanks, again!