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Less with the gloating, more with the saving, boys… 

Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.

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Black Stories Matter

On this page, our readers suggested stories in the comments that featured black heroes, and I’m taking a moment to try to highlight one with each of our updates. This time, Patron Bill Clapie recommends we check out urban fantasy author, Alex Villavasso. (A fellow Alex! I like him already. 🙂 )

Villavasso has a monster hunter series, Blaze Monroe, and an “academy” series, Aiden Cross — both of which look really interesting.  (I actually hadn’t heard of the “academy” genre but apparently it’s a magic school kinda thing. I’m sure y’all will be able to school me about it in the comments!)

All his books are on Amazon (and are 4 stars plus). He also has a woefully undersupported Patreon. If you’re looking for your next urban fantasy binge read, check his work out!

And if you know of another story with a black hero or heroes that you think should be getting more attention, please give it a shout out in the comments below! I want to share a lot more of these!


The only reason I’m able to keep making  *The Young Protectors*  is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And even though some folks needed to step back from their support last month, we continue to have a bunch of new folks stepping up as we start this new month, with 6 new Patrons joining the Woolfpack over the last week, which is very much appreciated! Y’all really are superheroes rushing in to save the day!

So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week

Michael, subsonicdeath, Jeff H., Daniel L., Kenyth M. and Lance W.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Michael, subsonicdeath, Jeff, Daniel, Kenyth and Lance!

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!


So! With Flyboy’s help, Spooky was able to take out the lurking magic users, lickety-split! But Ambrosia is still in chains, and is nearly underwater! Will our heroes be able to get to her in time?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀




Nice Shootin', Tex! But I'm afraid it was too easy - most likely the boys are gonna regret this save. Then again, they really don't have a choice - what else are heroes gonna do? One tiny thing: Flyboy made a point of how high they were on previous page, so it would have felt better to me if the blasts in panel two came in from a higher angle. More to the point - and this is something many comics do that annoys me - showing the start and finish of a blast, but having the blast at two different angles. Now, this is possible, but only if the viewing angle changes. Here that doesn't appear to be the case. But never mind that, and sorry about the rant. The art is excellent, and I know this is just an example of artistic license. Carry on!


I just noticed the strap Spooky has on his hat! Very practical. Would be interesting to see if it crops up again on Prime Spooky.


I rather missed the 'Pew! Pew! Pew' that was in the script...


LMBO! Me too.


Hey AlpineBob! Yep, you're right that technically the should probably be coming from a higher angle, but from an art perspective I think it's just more clear if they are a bit more horizontal than they should be. I can see why Adam made that choice. And I appreciate your understanding. And as for whether they will regret this, as you've said, what choice do they have but to try? :)


Yep, it's something Cassidy got Spooky on the new hat she brought in for the previous scene. She's very practical that way. :)


It looks like you're not the only one. I got cold feet with it after seeing how powerful the attack Adam drew was. But, you know, maybe I should go back and trust my original vision in this case...