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The struggle is also real.

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Recent Events and Race

Diversity and human rights, social justice, are hugely important to me. It’s why I do what I do. Why I create these stories. And, over this month, I’ve been deeply affected by the murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery.

But I haven’t said anything about that yet. Not here, anyway.

Part of the reason for that is that I want to be helpful. Constructive. And I have been so angry and outraged, I haven’t known what to say.

And a lot of it is that I’ve felt like my voice wouldn’t matter. Wouldn’t change the things that need to be changed.

Maybe some of you feel that same way, too.

With all that’s been going on this year, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Small. And like the forces of evil not only have the upper hand, but somehow have more enthusiastic supporters than you ever thought could be possible.

And yet… there are thousands and thousands of people, marching in the streets, day after day, exposing themselves to great danger, because wrong is wrong, and they won’t be silent about it.

They won’t be silent about black people being murdered, by their neighbors, and by the very people who are supposed to protect them. Again and again.

And the voices of those protesters matter. Their voices make a difference. I know this because it’s made a difference for me. Because it’s given me some hope. Because it gives an example.

And one of your fellow readers, Lee, wrote to me this week to ask about my silence on this. To talk to me about it. To encourage me to say something. That’s just one voice. And I know it made a difference. Because it guided me out of my silence to talk to you here.

There are things I can do to make a difference. Like for most of us, many of those choices and changes will be in my own personal life. But I’m here, in this moment, in front of you, as a comic book creator. So, that’s what I’ll talk about for now.

I believe in the power of dreams. Of story. That the first step towards making true, deep, systemic change is to see it in your head. To believe it’s possible. A real option.

It’s why I wanted to tell stories with gay heroes. Stories with real heroes, who, after facing adversity, are able to find love. Because I didn’t see that when I was growing up, and for the longest time, I questioned whether it was even possible for two men to fall in love. Let alone be heroes.

And the first step for me believing it could be different was the stories I told myself. And those made me believe it a little. And then, when there were other stories, by other authors, I believed it more. And that belief gave me the courage to make changes in my life. To take action. To find love. Like a person who actually mattered. Because I was a person who mattered, even if the stories I first grew up with told me the opposite

I needed new stories. And things got better when I found them. And when I made them myself.

Showing diversity in our work here is very important to me. For that reason. But I’ve been asking myself how I can do more specifically with representation of black heroes in my own stories. This is a question that’s been growing in my mind for a while, but especially now, it’s time to move into action.

One of the corners I’ve painted myself into is that I’ve already established that the heroes with the darkest skin on my team are straight. That wasn’t a conscious choice, but since it’s important to me to focus on positive gay romance main plots and subplots, it’s led me to give the other characters much more “screentime.”

That needs to be different.

Whether that means introducing some new heroes or giving poor Fluke the time he’s due is something I’m still trying to figure out. Since I plot years in advance, everything in my webcomics happens at a glacial pace in terms of big changes.

But it’s a change I need to make.

And I’m a writer. Comics are slow. But there are other ways for me to tell stories. And I have some ideas of other ways I can get stories out there with black heroes much more quickly. So that’s some of what I’ll be doing with my work.

But it won’t be the only thing. For one, I can elevate other creators’ works. Black creators who are already telling great stories with black heroes.

And that’s where I’d like to ask for your participation. What comics are you reading with black heroes that you think more people should be reading? Which black creators should be getting more of a following? I’d particularly like to hear about webcomics I can link to, but I want to hear about any story with black heroes you think should be elevated, in any form of media.

I think it would be useful for everyone in the comments to take a moment to reflect on all the ways we can make things better in terms of social justice, right now, especially for black people. For those of us who aren’t black, what ways we can be better allies and forces for change. Ways for us to choose action instead of despair.

But, in particular, please let me know about those other stories. I’m just one voice. But many voices make bigger changes, faster.

I’d like to amplify some of those voices. And, through doing that, maybe help change what people believe is possible. What matters. And thus, what world we all create together.

Your voice matters. Black stories matter.

Black lives matter.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. And thank you for being such superheroes.

P.S. In a stroke of good timing, since I wrote the first draft of this, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund just released an Anti-Racism Graphic Novels Reading & Resources List.  It covers a lot of ground, but I find the section on Speculative Fiction particularly intriguing. Definitely check it out.

P.P.S. Also, in addition to these other works, I strongly recommend you read Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse. It has a dumb, off-putting title but is, in fact, a masterpiece graphic novel that explores both queer issues and race. The creator was white, as is his “hero,” but I absolutely believe it is essential reading for every thinking person, especially now. CBLDF had this to say about it today.

P.P.P.S. Oh, and if you haven’t seen Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, go do that right now. It features and African American/Puerto Rican hero, is available on Netflix right now, and is one of the best superhero movies ever made. Period. Full stop.


The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. Especially now. And even though there have been those who needed to step back from their support last month, we had an incredible 13 new folks sign up over the last few days! Superheroes rushing in at the last second! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week! 

Achille, Frank, T, Caleb B., Cody B., Gary C., Samuel C., Seth C., Molli E., Zach M., Mike S., Ruth S. and Mark W.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, Achille, Frank, T, Caleb, Cody, Gary, Samuel, Seth, Molli, Zach, Mike, Ruth and Mark!

And let’s also please thank totally awesome readers who were already Patrons, but who upped their pledge this week:

Carlos B. and Isa L.

(Thank you so much, Carlos and Isa!)

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!


So! Amanda is now onboard the Save Mitch train! She’s even sent Spooky off to track down Ambrosia. But it sounds like Flyboy will need more convincing.

Is the missing girl actually real? Will that be enough to get Flyboy to participate in his own rescue? And how badly do you think Cassidy wants to be caught up on all the drama she missed?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀




We need stories like yours, and I am so glad you share them with us. Representation matters. Growing up, there were no LGBTQ people or characters. It is why Will & Grace, Brokeback Mountain, and works by Howard Cruse and Joseph Hansen meant so much. That is why I’m glad you want to feature more POC. Not only do I want to see me, but other people I know and like/respect. Thank you for this powerful commentary.


Thank you, Alex. What a beautiful and powerful sentiment you have expressed. And thank you for sharing your own personal struggle to find ways that you can do even more to promote the ideals of diversity, equality and justice that are already so artfully represented in your work.


Thank you, Lee. I really appreciated all that you shared with me and the gentle nudge. You rock, my friend. :)


I look forward to seeing more of Fluke and Tsunami and any other awesome black (and other POC) characters you feel like introducing! You've expressed these sentiments so well, Alex. I'm glad there are creators like you out there who care so deeply about representation, and are willing to see where they can do (even) better and step up to the plate to do it <3


Thank you, Goodyear. I feel grateful to have readers who are just as enthusiastic about social justice and embracing diversity. That's a gift to me, for a lot of reasons. :) And yes, I think it's really important as a person, and especially as a creator, to be constantly asking yourself: how can I do this better? And to keep listening for ways to do that.


The tale grows in complexity with more situational ethics. Not in a bad way either.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-24 03:57:34 Alex? This is another form of great writing on your part. I was bullied as a child. Love? Uh, what the hell is that. Truth. I have no idea. My family life sucked. Sorry, that's all I'll say about it here but being "the target" is also an issue. The silly ape that is "man" always has those individuals that "must be heap big banana and beat others to show it". ALWAYS> It sucks and is the human condition. Hell, it's the animal condition. Dominance. We preach civilization, we expound on the values of, sharing, fellowship, support. Then the world has a "bump". One death. Or one virus. Now look where we are. Screaming animals in the streets. Nope, color, race, blah, blah, blah, doesn't matter. "We" are all out there, that chattering, screaming dominating chimp. Must do something to prove a point by smashing everything in site. Yep. Civilization. Welcome to the world, envoi. I could expound upon the virtues of a few. There are good and great people out there. I think Alex is one of them with his sharing here. I have met a few in my life that I could probably count on my two hands. I have met thousands of people. I have been a professional salesman, a supplier for a multi-state pet store distributor and worked in various roofing jobs for government subsidized homes. Yep. Seen many folk. I have yet to change my opinion on any of them, myself included. There were nasty moments in my life that I seriously regret. I know "that is in the past". Yeah, right. We all live with something, no? To this day I would reach back and pull about three years out of my life if I could. You know what's funny? I would go out of my way to help virtually anyone. Yet, those times? I still hate them. I work now to just "be". Those of you that get it, understand quite well. Those of you that don't? Just be is, sleep, wakeup, eat, sit with pc, occasionally visit a downstairs neighbor that makes me get out of the house. Repeat. Shower as I think of it. Shop once a month. Read. Tinker. That's it. Laters. There are too many folk in the same boat and sadly, many have other issues as well, my words to you? Look up an old friend or family member. They may need you for five minutes. It could make a great change in someone's life. I am done. Sorry Alex
2020-06-08 01:45:11 Alex? This is another form of great writing on your part. I was bullied as a child. Love? Uh, what the hell is that. Truth. I have no idea. My family life sucked. Sorry, that's all I'll say about it here but being "the target" is also an issue. The silly ape that is "man" always has those individuals that "must be heap big banana and beat others to show it". ALWAYS> It sucks and is the human condition. Hell, it's the animal condition. Dominance. We preach civilization, we expound on the values of, sharing, fellowship, support. Then the world has a "bump". One death. Or one virus. Now look where we are. Screaming animals in the streets. Nope, color, race, blah, blah, blah, doesn't matter. "We" are all out there, that chattering, screaming dominating chimp. Must do something to prove a point by smashing everything in site. Yep. Civilization. Welcome to the world, envoi. I could expound upon the virtues of a few. There are good and great people out there. I think Alex is one of them with his sharing here. I have met a few in my life that I could probably count on my two hands. I have met thousands of people. I have been a professional salesman, a supplier for a multi-state pet store distributor and worked in various roofing jobs for government subsidized homes. Yep. Seen many folk. I have yet to change my opinion on any of them, myself included. There were nasty moments in my life that I seriously regret. I know "that is in the past". Yeah, right. We all live with something, no? To this day I would reach back and pull about three years out of my life if I could. You know what's funny? I would go out of my way to help virtually anyone. Yet, those times? I still hate them. I work now to just "be". Those of you that get it, understand quite well. Those of you that don't? Just be is, sleep, wakeup, eat, sit with pc, occasionally visit a downstairs neighbor that makes me get out of the house. Repeat. Shower as I think of it. Shop once a month. Read. Tinker. That's it. Laters. There are too many folk in the same boat and sadly, many have other issues as well, my words to you? Look up an old friend or family member. They may need you for five minutes. It could make a great change in someone's life. I am done. Sorry Alex

Alex? This is another form of great writing on your part. I was bullied as a child. Love? Uh, what the hell is that. Truth. I have no idea. My family life sucked. Sorry, that's all I'll say about it here but being "the target" is also an issue. The silly ape that is "man" always has those individuals that "must be heap big banana and beat others to show it". ALWAYS> It sucks and is the human condition. Hell, it's the animal condition. Dominance. We preach civilization, we expound on the values of, sharing, fellowship, support. Then the world has a "bump". One death. Or one virus. Now look where we are. Screaming animals in the streets. Nope, color, race, blah, blah, blah, doesn't matter. "We" are all out there, that chattering, screaming dominating chimp. Must do something to prove a point by smashing everything in site. Yep. Civilization. Welcome to the world, envoi. I could expound upon the virtues of a few. There are good and great people out there. I think Alex is one of them with his sharing here. I have met a few in my life that I could probably count on my two hands. I have met thousands of people. I have been a professional salesman, a supplier for a multi-state pet store distributor and worked in various roofing jobs for government subsidized homes. Yep. Seen many folk. I have yet to change my opinion on any of them, myself included. There were nasty moments in my life that I seriously regret. I know "that is in the past". Yeah, right. We all live with something, no? To this day I would reach back and pull about three years out of my life if I could. You know what's funny? I would go out of my way to help virtually anyone. Yet, those times? I still hate them. I work now to just "be". Those of you that get it, understand quite well. Those of you that don't? Just be is, sleep, wakeup, eat, sit with pc, occasionally visit a downstairs neighbor that makes me get out of the house. Repeat. Shower as I think of it. Shop once a month. Read. Tinker. That's it. Laters. There are too many folk in the same boat and sadly, many have other issues as well, my words to you? Look up an old friend or family member. They may need you for five minutes. It could make a great change in someone's life. I am done. Sorry Alex

Malik M.L. Williams

Thank you. That’s about all I can manage right now, but know that I have been finding a lot of hope too this week. And now you are a part of that.


Thank you, Malik. There's a lot of work still to be done, but it's good to see some actual policy changes happening out there. I'm glad you're finding hope right now. Me, too. :)


Thank you for sharing this, William. Right now I think it is important to reach out to folks who might be feeling isolated and alone. Thank you for reminding us of that.